Ryan "Express" Gosling (13th West Coast US National 2023)

jimmycorrigan 36

28 Sep 2023 chih

Looks fun! 1x Twinning seems fragile. I'd be worried about having it Above the Law'd the turn after you install it???

28 Sep 2023 slk

Seems like you might need more card draw, would be bad if you pass the corp with no cards in hand.

29 Sep 2023 jimmycorrigan

Thanks for the feedback @chih. That's essentially what the Harmony AR Therapy is for. But if I were to double up on The Twinning, would you recommend swapping out a Raindrops Cut Stone for the influence?

29 Sep 2023 jimmycorrigan

Thanks for the feedback @slk. What would you recommend? I used to have Diesel in older lists but cut it for influence. My thought was that Bahia Bands, Raindrops Cut Stone, Earthrise Hotel x2, and The Class Act would be enough for card draw.

5 Oct 2023 tarpshack

Any insight into the thinking behind including Networking vs other ways to deal with tags like No Free Lunch?

9 Oct 2023 jimmycorrigan

Great minds think alike @tarpshack! I had felt the same recently and swapped it for No Free Lunch x3 and grinded on jnet. It caused more than a few headaches having to resist the temptation to use the secondary (primary?) mode. I mean money's tight, sometimes... always. So the analysis paralysis coupled with the fact that Networking seems "faster" for my play style (using a solution as needed when tagged vs. having to set it out ahead of time and wait, if that makes sense). It's all a matter of having a reactive or preventative outlook I guess. That and the perennial issue of deck slots (one card vs. three). I am currently running the single Networking and Steelskin Scarring x3 to deal with shenanigans if Networking's not in hand. Seems to be working for now. However, I'm heavily considering No One Home because it solves both issues of tag and net damage as long as you're credit-positive. Have you tried it with No Free Lunch? Thoughts?

10 Oct 2023 tarpshack

I have not tried it yet. But I found Networking lacking when I ran into a Funhouse/B-1001 combo. At least in that moment being able to remove tags at instant speed seemed pretty useful.

11 Oct 2023 jimmycorrigan

Good call! Both cards solve different problems. Networking is better for more than one tag, whereas No Free Lunch has instant speed. Thanks for the feedback @tarpshack!