SYNC Boom Boom, I want you in my room

tonedef 132

Here's a degenerate SYNC Accelerated Diagnostics combo deck. I've never played one before, but 24/7 News Cycle and BOOM! seem to be a match made in heaven for NBN. I thought I'd give this a try before these cards rotate out. I picked SYNC and Sensie Actors Union so I could quickly assemble the combo. Sensie also baits runs so you can fire the combo when ready. Targeted Marketing is there to knock out any Rumor Mills that might be hanging around.

"The turn" can happen when you have 10 credits, the Runner made a run on the previous turn, Jackson Howard is on the table or in hand, and you have Accelerated Diagnostics and Power Shutdown in hand. Breaking News must have already been scored (not too tough). It looks like you'd expect:

  • Click 1: Install Jackson if not on the table
  • Click 2: Power Shutdown all of R&D into Archives
  • Fire Jackson Howard, returning 24/7 and both Booms to R&D.
  • Click 3: Play Accelerated Diagnostics. Use 24/7 to give the runner 2 tags from Breaking News. Play the first Boom. Play the second Boom.
  • Alternative Click 3: Play Accelerated Diagnostics. Use 24/7 to land tags. EoI a BN or 15 Minutes for a Restructured Datapool, Beale, or Astro if those points would put you at 7.

I realize that almost everything (Breaking News, 24/7, QPM, EoI) can be diffused with a NACH and I'm not sure how to handle it! The influence is tight. Harishchandra might be a better choice, and would allow influence for Elizabeth Mills. You'd also have a better idea whether your combo would fizzle due to I've Had Worse in the Runner's hand. The backup plan is playing boring old SYNC-- let the runner score your Quantum Predictive Model while you score one pointers and the odd 2 pointer in a remote. Recommendations to improve this are greatly appreciated!

17 Oct 2016 HolyMackerel

Voter Intimidation can handle NACH in a pinch, but it's influence-heavy.

17 Oct 2016 Elodius

IAA handles NACH just fine... forces a run for power shutdown & thrashes NACH (without FC or FG). If they don't run it, score and repeat until they run or you score out.