
Jackpot 35

Do you like Psi Games?

Do you want to have Caprice in a remote and over R&D?

Do you want games to take 2 hours, but don't want to play with too many remotes?

Step right up! Vegeterianism is the path for you.

One each of Eden Fragment, Government Takeover , Hades Fragment ,Priority Requisition, Project Atlas and Utopia Fragment means your agenda density is pretty low. You can leave R&D open, or lightly iced all game, and not suffer too much consequence. It also allows you to swap for Old Hollywood Grid if you want to have fancier ice or open influence for tagging cards. I chose them because they are quality agendas, and let me have 20 points instead of 21.

Capital investors works like a more flexible Melange, and you can pop it in and out of your scoring server on demand. Just bluff when you draw an agenda, and slam it into your remote. You can also swap it with jackson and vice versa.

Oversight AI and its combos with expensive ice don't need further iteration here. You have 8 targets in this deck, along with ice wall, datapike, caduceus and hive for early game.

Wendigo is there to be a nuisance, and to take advantage of the positional ice capabilities of this deck.

21 May 2016 Crauseon

Okay, if you're playing this kind of an agenda pool, you'll HAVE to consider Old Hollywood Grid. :)

21 May 2016 Jackpot

Yeah, the reason for not including it was the point for me was to play 3 caprice out of blue sun, and the lowered density of agendas. I thought the Fragments and government takeover were the best ones for this plan, especially since Utopia Fragment allows me to troll hard with the government takeover (please pay 12 to steal this). Then I slotted in Priori Rec, because blue sun :D. Two AP left means I went for the old trusty Atlas.

Feel free to replace caprice with old hollywood grid, or try both in Jinteki or NBN.

21 May 2016 Saan

Nebula is not real great, since it just has 1 sub and D4v1d breaks it without caring too much. Shaper plays Sharpshooter, which similarly breaks it very easily. You almost never want to advance Nebula (especially in Blue Sun, where you can't return it to your hand without losing massive value) because it is a very, very slow play. Look at it this way: if you spent the credits advancing it, you're down 3 credits. If you spent that turn clicking for credits, you'd be up 3 credits. So advancing it 3 times effectively cost you 6 credits, so when you rez it you're really just rezzing it for a discount of 3 credits. Not amazing. It's just never worth the 9 credits to rez, so I think it's better as another ICE instead. I'd probably make 2 of them into Assassin, which has similar faults but greater upsides (also is better vs D4v1d).

Next, I'd probably remove a Wendigo: 3 positional ICE is probably too many, and Wendigo is only an okay card to begin with. I do agree that it's at it's best in Blue Sun, though, since you have the most control over it's position. This deck can easily lose 2 ICE, since 23 ICE is a massive amount to have.

With those 2 card slots, I'd add in 2 Public Support. Public Support makes it so that you only ever have to score 2 agendas (or just 1 with Government Takeover), since Public Support works as your 7th agenda point.

An Interns or 2 might also be nice, in order to recur Caprice in case you're having a hard time finding one but the runner isn't, or if the runner guesses the psi correctly in the server.