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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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When Sifr was printed, it seemed like a natural fit for Dumblefork's ice destruction game, but slots were a problem since Dumble historically only ran 1x Grimoire. I cut Datasucker to make room, and haven't missed it once.
Initially, I was on Strikes like most other Dumble players. When Aaron was printed, though, it seemed to be more synergistic with the gameplan -- clickless draw is pretty good in a Faust deck, not to mention a deck that doesn't like taking tags. I tried one Aaron and found that in addition to shutting down CtM, installing one early against EtF sped me up significantly. Clickess draw is good, right? I liked it enough that I went to two Aarons, reluctantly cutting one Faust, and it's worked out well.
There were only 12 players at Level Up this year, but a win is a win, and 5-0 is 5-0.
Round 1, Prison RP: A preview of the rest of my day. Aaron does nothing in this matchup, but Whizzard + a current to clear Cerebral Static + Slums to kill Bio-Ethics, Clone Suffrage, News Now Hour, Blacklist, and the rest is very difficult for RP to beat. Adding Sifr + Parasite on their big ice is just insult on top of injury.
Round 2, EtF: gh0st_b1rd makes my life a little easier here by gifting me some points from an ABT, but that just means I win during the "control the remote" phase of the Dumblefork plan instead of having to transition into attacking HQ (or eventually Medium on R&D).
Round 3, Prison RP: I remember that Slums stuffs Hostile Infrastructure after taking about 5 extra net damage. I win after Slumsing away 20+ cards.
Round 4, CtM: Gamble Laundry Slums Run; turn 2 Liberated click click Aaron. I control the assets, control the remote, and then when the coast is clear
I'm the 4th seed going into the cut, but the top seed decides to drop, so I become the 3rd seed. I win a Corp game against Hate Bear (achievement unlocked: beat Hate Bear as CI7 without playing Power Shutdown), then face my round 1 opponent again. We've both Corped, so we randomize and I run.
Cut round 2, Prison RP: Double Slums controls the worst of the assets, and he can't get his Ark Lockdown for my Levy before I fire it off. I win a TFP psi game on HQ (bidding 2), steal a Fetal, win two Voter Intimidation psi games to defend my Slums (bidding 2), and then get the winning GFI on R&D after trashing my third Chiyashi of the game with Sifr + Parasite.
I was top seed going into the Finals, and the same Prison RP player I'd beaten twice made it out of the lower bracket to face me. We randomized, and I beat his Andy with CI7, so I didn't have to face the Prison RP grind again.
6 Feb 2017
6 Feb 2017
Nice work Raja! If you were to cut 1 card to make room for 2 estrikes (over 1 Aaron) what would you cut? Seems like lib or a sifr would be the most reasonable? |
6 Feb 2017
Oh, there was only one CI7 player -- me. ^_^ But the Prison RP games weren't especially fun for either me or my opponents. My Finals opponent said he was glad we played the CI7 game first, since if I won that (which I did), we wouldn't have to play the Whizz-RP matchup a third time. x3r0, I'd cut one Rumor Mill and one Aaron for 2 Strikes if you insist on having Strike. One Aaron is pretty inconsistent, though, and you want him early vs yellow and and EtF to start racking up those tokens. I would NOT cut a Sifr. I lean on Sifr HARD in this deck, even more so than Faust -- I facecheck constantly and eat damage to the face all the time so I can kill stuff with Parasites later. You really, REALLY want to see it. |
6 Feb 2017
Fast EtF isn't really ideal for normal Dumble, I don't think, but IMO 2x Aaron is better in that matchup than the Strike version is. |
6 Feb 2017
P.S. I didn't install Paperclip or MKUltra once. I don't think Paperclip is needed, honestly, since Sifr deals with Wraparound. |
6 Feb 2017
I really, really like the tripple Sifr over the Datasuckers. That thing alone saves so much money for breaking and cards for Faust that it's almost a crime it skyrockets Parasite back to god-tier as well. The Marron is a cool inclusion as well. That dude just goes well in Netrunner decks. |
6 Feb 2017
Did you miss having Strike? I'm reticent to cut it but this deck looks fun otherwise. |
6 Feb 2017
Those games with my RP prison deck against this deck were indeed a grind. You played those games masterfully. I learned so much watching you play against my deck given how much trouble I have against prison decks. For the record: - In one of our games you did in fact install the MKUltra. You did it when you facechecked a Komainu. You boosted with Faust to get it into your heap and then installed it. - Second, I was actually top seed :). The second seeded player dropped. |
6 Feb 2017
Clippy definitely never made an appearance. I think I'll cut it, probably for a second SOT so I can make better use of my cutlery -- as it was, I was always saving SOT for Levy. |
Congrats. Did you have fun? An SC full of CI7 and Prison RP sounds like a pretty grim day.