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qvm 1921

This deck went 3/4 in the the DracheNäscht GNK in Bern, in which I placed first. Latest legal pack was Fear the Masses, with MWL 1.0 active (though this deck is also 2.0 legal). My runner deck was Zurich Kate.

This deck goes all in on classic Netrunner: Ice, econ, fast advance. No defensive upgrades, no hate cards, no silver bullets.

Game plan
You can play fast advance, never advance, rush or just build a big scoring remote and wait for the right window.

Just good old HB and neutral ice, including ice on the MWL. Would be okay with dropping Cobra.

The deck has both asset and operations econ. Asset econ is more efficient in the long run, but can be shut down. Operation econ helps you quickly get up to speed and recover from low amounts of money.

Fast advance
3 Biotics go without saying. SanSan is worth the influence, though as a 1-of you won’t see it every game. You’re very likely to see it in games that drag on for longer though, so it can help close out those games.

Jeeves is amazing. I didn’t play it with the Shipment combo, since it is fragile and costs cards and influence: I don’t want to rely on Jeeves, but if it’s rezzed, it helps with every agenda.
- Food, Corporate Sales Team: You need more than three counters.
- Project Vitruvius: You can overadvance
- Accelerated Beta Test: You can install Jackson
Other than that, it provides raw efficiency, especially with Blue Level/Lateral Growth. On top, it helps against the Leela bounce.

Notable omissions I used to play this as hybrid Food Coats, with Caprice, Ash and Crisium Grid. While I could include all of those, I found the deck to be too brittle. Either you go all glacier (and maybe include one Biotic), or you go all in with FA. Even though I get rich in some games, in others I’m always hovering between 5 and 10 credits, since fast advance is very expensive. I would not be able to play fast if I couldn't go broke, and with Caprice and Ash you cannot afford to go broke.
I don’t play any CVS. If your meta is still full of Clot, feel free to play one or two, but I used the deck space for other good cards. If your opponent plays Clot, go never advance or fast advance behind two ice. It’s very hard to get a Clot and two breakers out all in one turn. You can also bleed some agendas that way, but keep trying to hit the right timing window.

Game 1 Sunny was too slow to setup. Fast advanced two 2 pointers quickly. Drew a Food and fast advanced it with SanSan, Jeeves and a Biotic for the win.

Game 2
Gabe was super aggressive, trashed all my assets, and stole 6 points when I was only at 2 or 4 points. I had to turtle and money up for quite a while. He was unlucky to whiff on a Maker’s Eye while at match point. In the end, I drew click 1 and then fast advanced a Food for the win (Biotic, Biotic, Jeeves, SanSan).

Game 3
Jesminder was too slow to setup. I managed to bounce back from several Siphons. Fast advanced four 2 pointers.

Game 4
Leela first struggled with money, but then later had two RDIs down and could get into my R&D from time to time. In the midgame, I would have been ready to score out, but no agendas showed up. When I finally found an ABT due to overdrawing, it was sniped with a timely Legwork. Eventually I was ready to fast advanced another Food, but Leela found the an agenda first.

Thanks to DracheNäscht for organizing the tournament!