CTZ_STINKTANK - Top 16 Worlds

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This is the corp I played for worlds, which is taken after the wonderful Jan Tuno's (aka Big Tuna) R+ List

I tested this out at CoS (shoutout to the gentlemen's bar club taking 2nd place) and it felt amazing. Major Argus vibes and that's what I like. Here were the things I wanted to change based on that testing:

  1. Orbital is cool and definitely a certified skateboard trick. However, it is a killing skateboard trick and against these wretched pot smoking shaper decks, you need multiple paths to victory. Beale presents a "legit" scoring line, because of H-man, and/or you can sneak it out naked (snake) on the table.

  2. I took out Thinktanks to fit the Beales, lower that density, and it didn't feel like it did much against said shaper.

  3. Snare(!) is an all-timer, but I wanted something spicier. I went with Active Policing because it has a lot of text on it, steals clicks, and you can present a true three card monty where the runner only has two clicks. You play that line if they have fartships that you can't get around. Wheels nor Swift is real (they are), so just hope you don't get to that point. If you do, you already lost so click the concede button up and to the right.

  4. Public Trail gets you free wins sometimes and buddy, I love me some coupons.

  5. H-man felt more important than AMAZE, so I took 'em out. I'm fairly certain this was the correct choice.

Technical Diagram / How to Play

guide guide2

As much as the visual aides break it all down, this deck is a difficult one to pilot. You must be ruthless, continually add challenges for the runner, and it will probably feel like you are behind in the middle game. Follow these rules / tricks if you want to win:

Mull for three install-ables.

You might be thinking: why ctz no mull for oppo? This is the lesson you learn from playing Weyland in the old days - sometimes you get to "play" scorched earth for free, because the runner believes you have it, even if it isn't in your hand / deck. Use this to your advantage.

Prioritize False Lead and Degree Mill, in that order

Scoring False Lead makes every runner turn after a stinky hellscape. You should use this time to relax and not think, but ensure that you actually look like you are. Stare at your hand, check random cards on the table, and push your glasses up on your nose (per Formerteen).

Degree Mill turns on(simmer down) Oppo, costs the runner cards, and can build your scoring area so the runner has to eventually check something they don't want to. What more do you need?

Let cards stew, and yes I'm looking at you agendas

One of the most effective tactics you can do is nailing cards down to the table. Don't you be rezzing them until absolutely needed. More cards is the way to summon the complexity demon, and we know how that goes. It gives you chances to h-man agendas, have runners check servers they probably wouldn't have, and most importantly, remember what cards they have seen just about every turn.

Use Spin Doctor to reshuffle Beholds and Oppos almost exclusively

The amount of agendas I let sit in archives was record high during this tournament. Runners don't check enough, Headline makes them go oh no, and you are creating more hidden information that costs a click. Remember - complexity demon is good.

My favorite match on the day was against 2nd place DeeR. It was a cracked and stressful game, with me mulling into 3 agendas, but they saw the flower power of what the deck and pilot could do.

Now that y'all have read this - go get 'em tiger!