Los Muertos

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Namepls 51

I wanted to build a fun Los deck that doesn't just crumble to corps that don't rely on costly ice. I still don't think it would be as good as just putting an Andy deck straight into Los, but it's fun.

The economy is mostly good ol' run based criminal econ. Tried and true.

For the Los specific stuff, I did away with Ice Analyzer and Sahasrara bird breaker support because they only do work if they corp's ice is worth derezzing. Instead I opted for an Off-Campus Apartment based set up.

Compromised Employee gives you real credits that still help you even if it's not worth using bird breakers. It also helps against yellow decks and trace ice that you might face check. If I wasn't using O.C.A I think I would cut these though, as it takes 5 ice rezzes/traces to earn as much as an Easy Mark.

Muertos Gang Member has a bit more utility than things like Exploit and Forged Activation Orders. So far I've always found it useful, with the bonus of giving you card draw from O.C.A

Scrubber fits in nicely with O.C.A to help against asset based decks to shore up Los's weakness.

Beth Kilrain-Chang may seem anti-synergistic, but can make all the difference if the corp manages to get a decent econ going. She can keep you in a tough game, with the 5th click allowing for things like empty Kati Jones Account Siphon into Emergency Shutdown.

Şifr is a must if you intend to use bird breakers to derez a lot. It could be worth swapping to Desperado as I only use the bird breakers derez once or twice a game.

Net Shield I'm not sure on. Spiky ice is a problem for Los, but one of with no tutor makes it unreliable. I'm thinking of dropping it and using the influence for Paperclip or another Off-Campus Apartment.

4 Apr 2017 x3r0h0ur

I'm on a supplier build, which I may publish later tonight, you might consider it. With supplier and OCA you get your click back in a way via the draw. If you ran hostage and supplier you could go to 1 aaron, 2 muertos 1 career fair and put in 2 supplier 2 hostage and it seems like it'd be faster, and more economical.

Also more derez effects seem good, the full 3 eshutdown and 3 crescentus would be pretty good imo.

5 Apr 2017 Namepls

@x3r0h0urI am heavily considering the Supplier route. I think it would be better. I'm hesitant to drop the second Aaron though with MCA Informant now being a thing.

I don't like the idea of committing more card slots to derez effects though, derezing is of dubious value in a lot of match ups, though that might change come MWL3.

Cheers for the advice.

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