Boom! And the ICE is gone (9th at UK Nats)

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swearyprincess 134

To build this deck, you start with your standard ApocAlice... trade 1 Hacktivist for a 2nd Amped Up and another for a Trope, then a MKUltra for Eater. Then any turn you can Apoc, if they have two or more cards on the board then do so.


Game 1 vs Will (Palana) - Won, 2 Apocs

Game 2 vs Joe (Outfit) - Lost, although I did at least manage to Apoc twice

Game 3 vs Eady (Tennin) - Won, 2 Apocs

Game 4 vs Ryan (Saraswati) - Won, 2 Apocs

Game 5 vs Rob - this was a 241 in which I played as the Corp.

Game 6 vs Swiftie (Blue Sun) - Won, stole the winning agenda from R&D as I went to Apoc the 2nd time.

Over all I went 4-1 with this deck, which combined with 3-2 as NEH put me on the same points as most of the top 8... but my weak SoS kept me out of the cut. So close!

The Eater and Trope both turned out to be useless, in fact if the Eater had been a 3rd MKUltra I'd have won my round 2 game.


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