You´d better pack a recursion

Longi 1899

After the rotation made Smoke unplayable (as I wrongly thought) I did not know what runner I shall bring to German Nationals. So I built two decks, 419 and Hoshiko, and together with @Trismagistos we tested and fine-tuned them during Christmas time. My plan was to play Hoshiko at King of Servers event and then take 419 to the main tournament.

After I went 3 – 1 with Hoshiko on Friday KoS, I decided to play her also at Saturday main event. And the decision did not pay off. I lost 4 games, three of them to losing Engolo to SDS, Batty + Tithonium and Archer. What saddens me most is the fact that I often felt like having the upper hand before losing the breaker and eventually being locked out. The deck performed really good. It was aggressive enough (with two tutors to find Engolo) and the companions and Keiko provided strong mid- and late-game. The breaker suite cost effective and ofter Aumakua + Engolo + Datasuckers is all you need. Odore is also quite good with Datasuckers and 6 types of virtual resources in the deck.

This deck was also played by @Trismagistor, @tp and @Mildesorte to certain level of success. We all agreed that the potential is there but some minor changes has to be made (for example the Mystic Maemi doe not have as much use to justify its inclusion). And I will definitely pack some form of recursion.

I really want to thank the organisers of the German Nationals (especially to @5n00p1) for allowing me to spend three amazing days in the best game community I ever encountered.

13 Jan 2020 t.p

It was a blast to play with this deck @Longi! Without your deckbuilding skills I wouldn't got so far on the turnament. Thanks.

13 Jan 2020 Longi

Thank you. Well, like I said, it still needs more tuning. Now I regret a bit we practised mainly 419 as this was only meant to be our KoS runner.

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