StargEater of Ice

shruthless 76

I started playing Standard in the Salvaged Memories meta and this was my first decent runner build. Stargate/Eater/Ice destruction was my focus and I added other cards around it.

  • Wanton Destruction is my favorite card in NetRunner and I think it finds a good place here. Allows some HQ pressure when the Corp ices up R&D. Eater supports it and DreamNet and Beth/TTW mitigate the tempo loss somewhat. It's always satisfying to wipe out combo cards from the Corp's hand.

  • Trope: If fired at the right time, refreshes the economy very well. Also great against grinder decks.

Was decent against everything except CtM. I thought the good economy here would handle HHN, but either I was not a good runner or the deck just couldn't keep up with the asset spam money.

All in all, I was happy learning to play runner with this. Played exactly 100 games and won 50 of them. Excited for the new SG/SU meta!