Into the Mouth of Madness

Myriad 241

The Mausolus is totally a Macrophage btw. Its a piece of ice that traditionally requires some answer to get through and punishes most decks who choose to face check.

This deck is basically a pile of hate against the meta. Most of this stuff is anti-face check which you can punish with some combination of Ark, Archer, Taurus, Bulwark, Enforcing Loyalty and Best Defense (with Midseason Support).

Against Anarchs you can snipe breakers, plascrete and such with Ark and you can blow up Wyldside with Mills (or ditch bad pub and turn off blackmail).

Against Criminals you have Enforcing Loyalty to blow up out of faction stuff and Mills to torch the Sanctuary. Also, you can hit a nexus with a well timed enforcing loyalty. Remember it doesn't require them to run.

For Shaper you have Taurus which punishes face check and lockdown. If they get tagged to hell, you have best defense and boom.

A great play is just firing your enforcing loyalty from hand. It doesn't require a run and many rigs lean heavily on a single card to swing games. You can just do it to put them in some nasty states and try to get a Bryan trigger.

Flex slots are preemptive, election day and maybe a boom. The deck feels a little light on ice and I am not sold on the suite.

Also you can cut the global foods and the blue level and run GRNDL for the lulz.

You also might have the balls to run Government Takeover and just try your best. Since the plan is to midseasons, I wouldn't suggest it... but it would open up more card slots.