Cleaning Up

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Ironcache 720

Trying to score Cleaners sucks. Having Cleaners is awesome. Let the runner score it for you and then take it from them.

Undefeated so far locally, even with some lackluster cards in the deck *looks at Fire Wall*. Patiently waiting for Mausolus.

13 Sep 2016 FarCryFromHuman

I think I'd drop both Fire Wall for Shipment from Kaguya. You really don't want to have to spend advancing ice, and SfK pulls double duty, letting you score cheaper and also turn on your identity.

13 Sep 2016 Ironcache

I, personally, do not want to drop ICE. My local meta is seeing a fair bit of anarch ICE destruction, and it already feels sparse against these match-ups.

That said, I do agree that the Fire Wall is replaceable, and that Shipment from Kaguya would be a good include. When Mausolus comes out that will replace the Fire Walls for me (probably either Enigma or Wormhole as well for the 3rd). I'd consider dropping Zealous Judge for Shipment from Kaguya though.

13 Sep 2016 FarCryFromHuman

Yeah that's reasonable. The Hard-Hitting News + Zealous Judge play is really nice though; it might be better for those slots to come from your operations if you don't want to reduce your ICE.

You might consider squeezing in a single Dedication Ceremony when Mausolus comes out as well; popping one up to parenthetical range after having it fire once seems really good. Of course it remains to be seen whether that's better than, say, Subliminal Messaging, the last Scorched Earth, or one Housekeeping.

13 Sep 2016 Ironcache

The pressure Housekeeping adds to Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations is fairly valuable. It hurts people who ignore your ability in favor of just building up (and doubly-hurts the people who aren't ignoring your ability while trying to setup). Subliminal Messaging fills a similar role against passive play.

Scorched Earth wants to be higher TBH. I've gotten many flatlines against players who have gone tag me but stayed at 4 in hand, only to EoI cleaners scorched for the kill. Drawing back up to deal with scorched after BoN out prisec chipping away at you can be oppressive.

I guess to summarize, I have a hard time parting with any of the events. And you're right about Zealous Judge with Hard-Hitting News; the interaction is very strong, in almost every situation forcing the tag.

Perhaps I'll test out your initial recommendation. I do always feel dissatisfied when I advance ICE like a chump, and Firewall is easily the most easily replaceable card in the list.