Off the Grid behind two skyscrapers .2

Greek Geek 461

This is a design I made that is so far undefeated (around 15 plays, I know it's not a lot)

It is not a classic FA deck. Instead it tries to outbid the runner's economy with hugely taxing ice and score behind off the Grid. I try to do the following:

ICE: Ice HQ, stack it as high as you can, preferably with Eli and Tollbooth. Place the Hudsons on R&D, excellent taxing Ice. Ice archives with sentries.

ECONOMY: Try to make some money from Eve and Adonis. I love Eve, even if the runner trashes it on the first run after you rez it, you are still 2 creds ahead. If you rez it in the first rounds the runner won't bother trashing it since it will pay for itself. Once you set up Off the Grid Install Melange and milk it for a couple of round as you fish for Agendas.

VARIOUS: Use Jackson to draw cards to find agendas and later to inflate your R&D making random accesses more difficult. Interns is perfect to install trashed off the grid or ice on top of your skyscrapers (HQ, R&D) Rurh valley goes on Centrals off course making runs costly. On a side not, don't use howler fullishly, install a piece of ice you'll be able to rez if the runner jacks out and runs again. I have yet to face a deck that runs Sneakdoor. That is why I prefer to put sentries on archives, that way I can trash sneakdoor until I ice up properly archives too...