Urusai! Baka! [Startup]

4649matt 8

Installing Avgustina Ivanovskaya in a virus list feels like using DJ Fenris into Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire, but Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist brings her own unique flavor to the old Noise archetype.


Run early, run often. There are no breakers, so make your own door like a protagonist. Botulus, Chisel, Boomerang, & most recently Endurance are your ice breaking suite. Use Imp or Stargate to snipe ice where appropriate. Pressure centrals with sabotage and with runs.

Notable interactions:

Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist + DreamNet: we want to run aggressively to maintain the Drug Dealer game avatar on Hoshiko's flip side. The digital identity expands the clickless economy and pays for it.

The Twinning + Paladin Poemu: the new The Turning Wheel is only activated by our pal, Poemu, so if he's missing skip it.

Devil Charm + Chisel + Simulchip: there are few things more satisfying in netrunner than instantly trashing a freshly rezzed Archer. Sorry. Not sorry. (❁ᵕ‿° )

Rejig + Endurance / Imp / Botulus: Out of counters and need a recharge? Got purged and need to recoup? Need an Avgustina Ivanovskaya trigger? Do a jig and then Rejig for good measure. Was on 3x Rejig initially but cut one for The Twinning. Would consider running 46 cards for a 3rd back in the list.

published by AlwaysBeRunning.net ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)

9 Nov 2022 4649matt

Installing Avgustina Ivanovskaya in a virus list feels like using DJ Fenris into Noise, but Hoshiko brings her own unique flavor to the old Noise archetype.


Run early, run often. There are no breakers, so make your own door like a protagonist. Botulus, Chisel, Boomerang, & most recently Endurance are your ice breaking suite. Use Imp or Stargate to snipe ice where appropriate. Pressure centrals with sabotage and with runs.

Notable interactions:

Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist + DreamNet: we want to run aggressively to maintain the Drug Dealer game avatar on Hoshiko's flip side. The digital identity expands the clickless economy and pays for it.

The Twinning + Paladin Poemu: the new The Turning Wheel is only activated by our pal, Poemu, so if he's missing skip it.

Devil Charm + Chisel + Simulchip: there are few things more satisfying in netrunner than instantly trashing a freshly rezzed Archer. Sorry. Not sorry. (❁ᵕ‿° )

Rejig + Endurance / Imp / Botulus: Out of counters and need a recharge? Got purged and need to recoup? Need an Avgustina Ivanovskaya trigger? Do a jig and then Rejig for good measure. Was on 3x Rejig initially but cut one for The Twinning. Would consider running 46 cards for a 3rd back in the list.
