Adaptive Smoke 0.1

Hasimir 1

EDIT: Kept the original idea of a funnel weakening and serving all kinds of ICE to a singular adaptive breaker, but reworked it all to leverage Dai V in place of Atman.

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Total n00b here trying to craft a deck on my own for the first time, intended for Casual play with the friend that introduced me to this game :) I've never run this deck yet, so the whole build is currently a theoretical exercise :P

My idea is to use Dai V as universal icebreaker, with the rest of the cracker suit only present as backup in case of the Corp deploying anti-AI hate.

Multiple Leechs and the occasional Scrubbed and Ice Carver make Dai V even cheaper to use, reducing the need to constantly pump its Strength. Along with Conduit they should also pressure the Corp into frequent purging.

The main econ pretty much relies on Magnum Opus being played as close to turn 1 as possible, with a whole parallel econ focused on Stealth meant to fuel Dai V and (if played at all) the other icebreakers. The deck is supposed to run on fumes in a quiet and reliable way, no sudden bursts. Still, Overclock is there to help if needed. Net Mercur and Trickster Taka are then meant as veeery welcome but not strictly needed extra Stealth, allowing for more frequent runs.

The DZMZ Optimizer) and the (Mirror should provide enough to install multiple Mantles and viruses, along with the MOpus and breaker(s).

Personal Workshop, DZMZ Optimizer and Modded further cheapen the cost of everything.

Test Run and Self-modifying Code for tutoring, and a bit of recursion.

I feel a bit naked not having any specialized protection from Tags,but I would not know what to remove to fit specific countermeasures without bloating the deck :/

Will this deck work? :D

4 Jul 2023 ChaoticMischief

Hey! So I don't know much but wanna help. You haven't used all your influence which is a red flag Leech feels... bad. You already get so much strength for cheap because of the stealth breakers, it doesnt feel right. Same with Ice Carver Magnum Opus isn't great any more, its a lot of memory and theres just better econ cards to play. I think you want more than 1 Net Mercur, its really important part of your economy, even though you can only have 1 down, even one more doubles your chance of finding it. You have lots of events, maybe try Annicam as your console?

5 Jul 2023 Hasimir

Thanks for the help :D I have some questions though 🤔

1) why is maxing out Influence so important, if I already have "all I need"? (hypothetically, optimistically, supposedly 😜)

2) Why is Leech bad? o_O Maybe because it is redundant with Carver and Scrubber? My idea is to make Dai V as cheap as possible as to not NEED lots of credits at every usage exactly so that MOpus is enough with the extra Stealth creds.

I really have to figure out the Jinteki website and start testing my ideas >_<