Bananifier 380

DDD - Duggar's, Darwin, Dig in~

The main details:

Your entire RIG will cost you 10 creds (which is dirt cheap):

That's pretty much all there is to it. Draw aggressively with Duggar's (or manually) to get set up as soon as possible. Try not to discard D4v1d, Surge, Indexing or Wanton Destruction, which are all key cards to actually win the game. At worst, you can install a Darwin early and Uninstall it afterwards to put it on a Progenitor. Otherwise, Uninstall is yet another D4v1d recursion.

Tri-maf Contact here is better than Kati Jones. Indeed, your main weakness is the early game: you need a stable income early, which Kati does not provide. Besides, with Origamis installed, you are unlikely to get killed if you ever get tagged.

sidenote: you can remove the Knifed to add Mimic or Parasite if you're a wimp and fear Swordsmen.


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