Bland PD - 1st at North Regional, 13th at Worlds

RotomAppliance 3300

This is the PD list I took to the North regional yesterday. Whether you prefer two Void or two Borders is a meta call, and I decided to try out the former this time; it didn't disappoint.

Since we've moved away from Cleaver + Support rigs, Eli is a consideration, but more than 1 copy is probably wrong due to it being porous early on when you're trying to push a Rashida or early agenda. It annoys Curupira, Propeller and Pressure Spike decently, while being one of the more efficient taxers against the Lobisomem rig. However, just sticking with 2 Hagen is fine as well.

The deck beat Zer0 Steve, Az Mac, Bankhar Steve and Reg Lat. It seems as strong as ever.

Thanks for a well run tournament!

7 Oct 2024 apo

How does regolith work in this list? Do you use it in a brand new iceless remote when you need a turn to generate some credit swing? Installing it in the main one seems like a conflict with always be jamming plan.

7 Oct 2024 aureates

hello patrick

what factors in the meta are you considering when you make the decision between 2x BC or void??? xoxo

11 Oct 2024 Larrea

What's the deal with Eli 1.0?

23 Oct 2024 RotomAppliance

Hi folks! Since I didn't change the list for Worlds, I won't publish again, but to address a few questions:

I've liked the 1x Regolith in this list for some time. It nearly always goes in the main remote, but the exact play pattern depends on the boardstate and the opponents tendencies. If they've been checking the remote dilligently, it serves as another bluff and maybe a bit of extra money after. Other times, you should just straight up play it for money, by installing it and using it twice. It can be an excellent bounceback in some boardstates, or it can be used to get you up and running if your early draw doesn't give you a Rashida. It's also a nice play if you're holding a bunch of your large ice, or you have them already installed, because it can give you the money to rez all of them. I find a lot of PD players are reluctant to slow down and take a big chunk of cash off of Regolith, because they feel they're supposed to be playing a rush deck, but one of PDs strengths is the ability to play at different speeds and at all stages of the game. Believe it or not, I've had plenty of Regoliths pinholed and trashed in testing games.

Eli I mostly explained in what I wrote above - the reduction in Cleaver + Turbine/Leech/Ice Carver rigs gives it a better matchup into the meta. I'm not certain how long that'll last, but as long as people are coming after you with Propellers, Pressure Spikes and Curupiras, it's a decent 1 off in the deck. It can also prove annoying for AIs like Turtle and Audrey to break.

I think the double Void approach is good into a predicted Shaper meta, as it sort of gearchecks them for a fourth thing on top of their full rig - pinhole threading. It's far from trivial to use Pinhole threading to stop even 1 Void - you need to have the clicks and money available to still get in, and often you need to guess right on a 1/2 or even 1/3 to hit the Void. The presence of a second Void makes you more likely to have Skunkvoid before they're ready to deal with it, more likely to be able to re-establish it, and more likely to simply have a spare Void in the remote, rendering the Pinhole futile.

Two Borders does have benefits too, whiffing powerful run events like Finality, Chatshuschka, Diversion, or spicy moves like Counter Surveillance. It also leaves you 1 more influence, so if the inclusion of a second Mavirus or perhaps a Crisium Grid is important to you, that setup would be the way to go. Really, I think they're both similar in power level, so this was just tuning to the meta I was expecting at worlds.