
beyoken 6110

30 Sep 2015 mawa

Is the Root particularly valuable in this deck without something like Breaker Bay grid to guarentee some savings before it's trashed?

1 Oct 2015 beyoken

@RubbishyUsername Great question, one that I don't have a concrete answer for (haven't played this much).

Quick answer: You could substitute it with Private Contracts/Capital Investors. As long as it's econ!

Long answer: What you should strive to do with The Root: before you begin your turn, rez Root and use it to rez your other assets (Team Spon/PAD/Public Support), exhausting the 3. Then you begin your turn; from there you will easily use another 3 to install ICE or more commonly, rez the ICE protecting The Root. All in all you recoup your 6 investment, and the Runner loses 5 for trashing it, which is a fine trade.