Threat Level Azma [3-2 @ Can Nats East 2023]

bris 9

Shout outs! :

  • @Weltgeist, without whom this deck wouldn’t exist in this current form;
  • @amavric, Mattie, Jon, Nick, and Adam (from Silver Goblin), for making this Canadian Nats a wonderful first major event for me to attend;
  • Everyone who participated! You’re all wonderful people, and now I just want to repeat this.

The plan is simple: go as fast as you can and get money until you have a chance to Reaper Function > Threat Level Alpha > End of the Line. It works surprisingly often.

Build one remote. Put a DBS to control your draw and overwrite it whenever you feel it’s enough, jam things in to make the runner spend their money and push Rashidas.

Give as few free runs as possible.

Ablative Barrier is fun. While I added those to recur Reaper Functions (Aniccam/Steelskin triggers), I’ve used it much more often while testing to bring back Mavirus for purges against Freedom and Conduit runners.

There’s a lot of ressources and programs for Biased Reporting. It’s good mid/late game money.

Hydra/Bran 1.0 your servers and put any 2 credit ice over vs. Hippo/Inside Job. I forgot this at the start of day 2 and got crushed by Izzy’s already overwhelmingly solid plays. The other loss was a judge call due to me making an unfixable move. My opponent thought I had a chance to kill them if not for that.

  • Does it fold if someone knows what you’re doing? Probably.
  • Would this be better as a more proactive deck? Most likely.
  • Was it worth bringing this to have people puzzle over and ask to reread Threat Level Alpha and Biased Reporting? Definitely.