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Jinteki Rush aided by the the never advance tactics offered to you by the Greenhouse. This deck constantly gearchecks the Runner and makes them win countless psi games if they are to have any hope of winning.
This deck, alongside my Quetzal deck "Let's Make a Deal" led me to a 3rd place finish with 14 prestige after 5 rounds of Swiss in Wausau. Not bad for IDs that most players are considering to be tier 2 or below.
Match rundown:
Round 1 vs. Dan (Geist): A fellow Stimhacker, I was a little nervous playing against his Geist so early. Geist's ability to play quick while also fighting gearcheck was something I had been fearing going into the tournament. Luckily, I find my Tollbooth early and proceed to rush out 2 Niseis in rapid succession. Dan not finding Desperado all game didn't help. WIN
Round 2 vs. Michael (Reina): Another problem matchup for a deck running operation economy, Michael got off one early Siphon but made a critical error by faceplanting into Ichi on last click without enough to break it fully. I sniped an Eater, which bought me enough time to start scoring out. Another Eater came out alongside a Rook, but Lotus Field and Nisei tokens did the trick to get the game. WIN
Round 3 vs Jon (Hayley): This match was on the feature table, and you can watch it on the ANR Pro Circuit Twitch archives ( Stealth Hayley meant that I had to go fast while she was setting up, and go fast I did. The first Nisei went uncontested while Jon put the finishing touches on his rig, and I managed to score an NAPD to go alongside it. He started pressuring R&D, grabbing a TFP and an Chronos, which got me worried, so I Fast Tracked for another TFP and made him decide on whether he wanted to try for it or not. He didn't, so I IAA'd it in a Excalibur into Lotus Field server. He ran it click 1, I ETR with the Nisei token. Handshake. WIN
Round 4 vs Andrew (Geist): Andrew and I actually drove up to Wausau together, so we were familiar with the matchup. He did a great job pressuring my Caprices, making me spend money on psi games while periodically Siphoning me. Eventually my econ gave out, and he scored the 7th point off of R&D while I had 3 Pups over it. LOSE
Round 5 vs Joe (Maxx): I mulligan a hand of 3 agendas and 1 ice into a hand with Excalibur and 2 agendas. He had Imp in his opening hand. Needless to say, this one didn't go well. By the time my econ was established and I fixed my hand with Jackson, the damage was done. Joe went on to win the tourney on the day, and he deserved it. LOSE
The deck is definitely not perfect. Susanoo was dead in about 3/5 matches on the day, and I would have loved to see Excalibur more consistently. I might try dropping a Pup to play a second Excalibur. That being said, the deck is really fun, and I think Jinteki rush is fairly well-positioned in the meta right now.
24 Jul 2015
"He didn't, so I IAA'd it in a Excalibur into Lotus Field server. He ran it click 1, I ETR with the Nisei token. Handshake. WIN"
Click 2, I assume? You are RP, after all.