Unsure Gamble

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stimmyrobbins 118

Hi All,

Stimmyrobbins here! Thanks to everyone I play with on octgn, games have been especially enjoyable recently. Janky, jank. Wanted to use windfall as most of you know by now I almost always play jank. Unlike the windfall combo decks this deck just uses all high cost install cards and few events. I am averaging about 14 credits a game on two windfalls. Most times getting a 9 point and a 5 points or two 7 point etc. The game I played I had two for 27 credits. One torch one monolith. Mulligan if you have high cost cards in the opening hand. Play windfalls immediately when you get them. Good opening hand is opus, proco, windfall, clone chip, then a breaker. I hope you enjoy it.