Chaos Oracle

BayushiOliveira 30

I always loved Chaos Theory, and that is the first time I find a deck using it I can make it work. The trick is to use Oracle May to call for events, as the 10 cards that are not aren't as important to the strategy or easy enough to pull back from the heap.

28 Feb 2015 DavidMac

Nice deck. Feels relatively lite and efficient, and I'm a huge fan of the Test Run/ Scavenge synergy since learning about it a few weeks ago. It might be worth trying to squeeze in some Same Old Things to let you find your combos a little more easily. Personally I'm not such a fan of Net Celebrity, and only ever run x1 copy of Levy, so I'd most probably switch out these cards... but then you're Oracle isn't running as efficiently and you're looking for spots for Motivation.... so yeah probably don't bother with this advice ;-p

28 Feb 2015 BayushiOliveira

I had SOT instead of the Net Celebrity. And I'm not even sure about the Net Celebrity deserving it spot, but it could in a world where Housekeeping and Enhanced Login Protocol are things.