The new Psychobeale

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Spaceman_Spiff 983

The name of the game is money. Flood remotes with advertisements. It's pretty easy to get up to 40 or 50 credits against anyone except the Whiz. Every other runner just cannot feasibly keep up with the credit swings that this ID produces. Prioritize putting your etr (Tollbooth and Eli) on R&D, because once you land the midseasons that's your only weakness.

If they have clot just be consistent in asking if they want to install it with each install after a Midseasons. The runner should know that even one install that slips through will be game.

28 Aug 2015 firesa

The only real issue I see here is.........what do you do about film critic?

28 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

Film critics hurts and I think a psico beale must be fast. That's not...

28 Aug 2015 Spaceman_Spiff

oh, yes, you definitely lose to film critic - just like every Midseasons build now :P

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