Salvation Asa (3rd at Worlds Showdown)

Baa Ram Wu 2209

The Meme deck I took to Worlds Showdown which ended up doing far better than it had any right to.

Salvation Asa (Combo of Salvo and Biforcation) is the ultimate 'Step 1, Score a 5/3' deck (if we ignore Reeducation combo kill that is)

It's early game plan revolves around 1 thing, and 1 thing only.... SCORE A SALVO TESTING - If you can do this then you are 70% of the way towards winning.

Once Salvo is live you can start wheeling out agendas to your hearts content: - Biforcations to Gain a point and do another core, making the Onto's 2/2 agendas - Fast advanceing Luminals or the first Onto's with the help of Holo man - Usually closing out with a very easy to score Onto for the win.

The best thing is that once you have the salvo on board the rest of the game can be played incredibly low to the ground, often only ever needing 2 credits a turn to install and score you're agendas... 2 credits which you can handily get from a Tranq Home Grid if the runner is so kind as to let you keep one! - Also at this point Fully op becomes the busted draw engine you need to just keep finding agendas, with Holo man & Asa even allowing plays of Fully opp for draw, into double install into Click Holoman to score.

Card Choices.

  • Tatu Bola: Econ, Ice and a Asa trigger all in one card, great against anyone not named 419!
  • Ablative: A decent card in most decks, but even more so here where we have 3 biforcations to de-rez it for an ablative trigger. Generally correct to keep a single spin in the bin for this reason.
  • Riot Suppression: A Little bit of cheese that can help score out the early salvo - Riot into Salvo + Holoman behind an MIC is a 'gaurenteed' score (T&C's apply)
  • 3x Bran 2x MIC: This Ice suite actually proved to be a little too expenssive on the day, I think I would probably drop 2 of each and play a hagen and a magnet in retrospect.
  • Thimblerig: Didn't feel correct on the day an I wished this was a 2nd Mavirus in game's where I drew it.
  • Working prototype: Actually pretty sick in most games where I drew the 1x, I would consider looking at a 2/2 split of WP and Nico

Shoutouts and Thankyous:

Man in the Moon - For organising and running an excellent event, was really fuin to be part of and went very smoothly.

XDG - For providing a server for smooth netrunning... I think without XDG's help this online tournament just wouldn't have been able to get off the ground

All my opponents: Got to play against some awesome people across the two days, including some that I have never butted heads with before, massive shout outs to all of you... even you Kodie!

Tournament report (SSS):

  • R2 WIN vs Ossa on Crew Hosh:

Managed a turn 4 Salvo score after a IAA. Ossa ran through the remote ending on a single click and 6 credits. I rez a skunk and Ossa jacks out assuming it is an Ikawah that they won't be able to steal if they pay the 5c. I Then proceed to score an agenda every turn to win on turn 7

  • R3 Loss Vs Enkoder on Accident 419:

An absolute murder, Kodie put on a ton of pressure with 419, turtle, Hermes and pressuring my ice, meaning I couldn't push out, tatu bola and gatekeeper became liabilities and I lose 7-0 - Watch the Game on Kodies stream

  • R6 WIN vs AbyssStaresBack on WooP Arissana

Abyss's econ doesn't really get rolling in this game, allowing me to score a Salvo using a Holoman behind a Tatu, Thimble remote, and the FA win comes shortly after.

  • R8 WIN vs Cobolt on Zhaya.

I Can't remember a huge amount of this game, it was after midnight for both of us, but I remember Cobolts deck having some really cool includes (inc Hot Pursuit + manuel). Game goes fast with a Salvo Testing into FA Luminal into Onto score plan.

  • Cut Round 1 WIN vs Baserton on Esa

Although it may appear the Asa is very much ahead of Esa in this matchup, I don't actually believe that to be 100% true. Our scoring plan usually still requires us to score a Salvo even if the runner is taking their own core - and Esa is generally good at contesting 1-2 ice remotes. I actually win this one partly due to an error on Baserton's part with positioning of a Botulus allowing me to score A salvo using a Holoman, Basteron nabs one onto from Hand the next turn but I draw into the next Onto for the win the turn after.

  • Cut Round 4 (Winners Bracket Semi Final) LOSS vs Santa on Arissana

One of the worst game of Netrunner I've played competitively - just making a series of mistakes and bad calls. An unfortunate end to what had been a solid run of 9 wins on the trot.

  • Cut Round 5 (Loser Bracket semi final) LOSS vs Enkoder on 419

Back facing Kodie for the rematch, and not feeling great going in due to how one sided our first match felt. This game can be found on the stream and fwiw I put up a much better fight this game, manageing a Salvo score and an Onto to put myself on game point, however by this point Kodie had scooped up 6 points, time was coming close and the next turn he rips the winning Salvo off R&D for the decisive victory.

1 Oct 2024 zhansonic

That is a wild deck idea. And no seamless? I'm excited to give the Salvo Testing a go. :P

1 Oct 2024 Baa Ram Wu

@zhansonic- Thanks! No seamless as although it mignt help you score out the Salvo, it's a bit of a dead card after that as from that point you can fast advance everything - SO holoman is the better option here as it'll help you NA the Salvo AND FA the other agendas.