Just a Pile of 1-Pointers

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glassjoe 11

This is a thousand-cuts style Jinteki PE deck that leans heavily on 1-pointers (cheating on Braintrust and Philotic Entanglement). You play a few taxing ice, no assets or upgrades, and most of your gameplan operates through agendas and operations.

Play quickly! Between your ID, Hunter Seeker, Breached Dome, and the tax from your ice, you can punish runners for running and force them to slow down and draw cards.

Shipment from Tennin provides pressure for the runner to run; they have to choose between taxing themselves running into ice or allowing you to score agendas out of hand.

The economy for the deck varies from game to game, but an early Gila Hands Arcology can smooth things out, and Stock Buy-Back is great at pulling you back into a game, but in general the deck is not very credit-hungry.

All of the ICE combined costs less than 50 credits to rez, and in an average game you might expect to spend around 12-20 credits to rez 2-4 pieces of ice. It only costs 3 credits to score agendas with Shipment from Tennin, same as the old-fashioned way, so your FA doesn't slow you down like scoring out with Biotic Labor.

When you do score agendas, they're pretty disruptive. Water Monopoly is like half an untrashable Scarcity of Resources, which is great against any runners that don't get their economy from Magnum Opus or Tapwrm. Chronos Project is good against a variety of decks, including geist, random shaper decks, and anyone running conspiracy breakers.

The deck wins both by scoring agendas and flatlining, and the win conditions feed into each other. Fear of flatline creates scoring windows, and scoring agendas forces the runner to run in addition to the ID net damage.

It might seem like there's not enough net damage to flatline, but Komainu + House of knives does it, scoring philotic entanglement does it, and oftentimes archives will become a pile of operations and Breached Domes mixed in with agendas, and accessing it to steal the agendas flatlines the runner by dealing 2-3 meat damage + 1 net damage per agenda they steal. If it ends up just a little short, there's always Neural EMP.

The deck is fun, and moderately successful; I suspect it's a complete dog to Feedback Filter and Caldera, but you might be able to throw in a Voter Intimidation to hose the latter.

Film Critic is also a problem, but can be dealt with; the runner may be slowing themselves down too much if they host every agenda and click to add it to their score area rather than stealing it and drawing up, and in situations where there's a big pile of Breached Domes and some agendas in archives, they may find themselves stealing agendas and taking net damage anyways.


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