Matrix Knight

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stimmyrobbins 118


Hi All, hope you are well. This is my version of the deus x adjusted matrix deck, except in the faction we all love.



Knight: Highest strength breaker in anarch, dont host it on any ice. Install adjusted matrix on it and it becomes a seven strength click breaker. Knight also is two cost, which is nice.


Adjusted Matrix: use to break a sub for a click even on Fairchild 3.0!

e3 Feedback Implants: save your clicks to break additional subs for credits

Grimoire and Memstrips: use to get those counters on newly installed viruses and have a lot of memory in the late game to keep Data Folding going and install trashable breakers to save clicks.


Data Folding: Clickless econ

Kati Jones: Actually Bloo Moose, more clickless econ

Beth Kilrain-Chang: 5th click in the late game is essential

I started with this deck playing Quetzal but it was too slow. Maxx is great for setup like this and trashing Black Orchestra and MKUltra. Rebirth could be used after the levy if there was influence. Paperclip can be added, but nowadays I have not seen a lot of Blue Sun online. Bloo Moose is implemented on Jinteki. Its an amazing card. Getting 2 creds every turn for twenty turns is a great return. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.

5 Jul 2017 gandrasch

What does Matrix gives you, that Knight hasn't on its own?

5 Jul 2017 PurinaBisonChow

@gandrasch Knight has to be hosted on a piece of ICE in order to break a subroutine. Putting Adjusted Matrix onto Knight lets you click to break a subroutine on (basically) anything and then e3 through the rest of it and, in the mean time, your Knight is safe from having what would be its hosted ICE installed over.

Basically, this is the Anarch version of Highway Robbery. Curtain Wall still makes Knight sad, though...

6 Jul 2017 gandrasch

O shit wow. I haven't seen that the condition to be hosted was on the break routine and not on the knight itself.

7 Jul 2017 stimmyrobbins

@gandrasch``@PurinaBisonChow thanks for the comments. Purina thanks for the clarification.

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