When you score this agenda, if the Runner is tagged, do 4 meat damage; otherwise, give the Runner 1 tag.
Place 5[credit] on this event, then run any server. You can spend hosted credits during that run.
While this ice is protecting a remote server, it gets +2 strength.
[subroutine] End the run.
+1[memory unit]
Whenever an agenda is scored or stolen, gain 1[credit]. Then, you may install 1 card from your grip.
Limit 1 console per player.
+1[memory unit]
Whenever you make a successful run, place 1[credit] on this hardware.
[click]: Place 1[credit] on this hardware, then take all credits from it.
Limit 1 console per player.
You can advance this ice. It gets +5 strength while there are 3 or more hosted advancement counters.
[subroutine] Give the Runner 1 tag.
[subroutine] End the run.
[subroutine] End the run.
When you rez this ice during a run against this server, give the Runner 1 tag.
[subroutine] End the run.
Resolve 1 of the following. If the Runner is tagged, you may resolve both instead.
Play only if the Runner made a successful run during their last turn.
Give the Runner 1 tag unless they pay 8[credit].
When you install this resource, load 12[credit] onto it. When it is empty, trash it.
[click]: Run a central server you have not run this turn. If successful, take 3[credit] from this resource.
When you rez this asset, load 15[credit] onto it. When it is empty, trash it.
[click]: Take 3[credit] from this asset.
The first time each turn you trash a card you are accessing, gain 1[credit] and draw 1 card.
Play only if the Runner is tagged.
Trash 1 installed program or piece of hardware.
Place 2 advancement counters on 1 installed card that you did not install this turn.
When this agenda is scored or stolen, you may rez 1 installed piece of ice, ignoring all costs.
[click]: Place 3[credit] on this resource.
When your turn begins, take 1[credit] from this resource.
When you rez this asset, draw 2 cards.
Remove this asset from the game: Shuffle up to 2 cards from Archives into R&D.
Draw 3 cards. Shuffle 2 cards from HQ into R&D.
When you score this agenda, you may draw 2 cards.
You get +2 maximum hand size.
Gain 9[credit].