Delta V ver.β

obscurica 1318

Don't make decks at 3 AM, kids. As haywire noted, the original version of this deck was decidedly incomplete. The lack of any FA tools meant few means of actually scoring out agendas. You'd build up a lot of cash, maybe, and then... do nothing, 'cuz they're digging deep through your R&D and smashing your servers.

Well, there are a few ways around that.

  • Oberth Protocol is basically the lynchpin here. Since this is a post-rotation list, there aren't a whole lot of high-efficiency agendas to call upon. But Oberth does more than speed up scoring by one click: it also allows high-efficiency advances on Hortum and Fire Wall, making it much more difficult to penetrate the scoring server.
  • MCA Austerity Policy and Team Sponsorship in combination with Oberth Protocol means you can repeatedly set up to score five-point agendas out of hand. Now we're cooking.

Because of the tight fit in influence points, this also reduces the deck down to 49 cards, dropping Museum of History and Mumba Temple along the way. It also reduces the deck down to a single Warroid Tracker, and I upped the Tech Startups to better feed Estelle, dropping one Long-Term Investment in the process. But, honestly, it has Estelle, two LTIs, three PAD Campaigns, and three CBGs, not to mention Paywall Implementation as counter to Employee Strike. I think the deck is fine for cash -- or, rather, the sheer cost to deplete it of its cash access is decidedly runner-unfriendly.

I'm even half-tempted to drop the Hedge Funds for a suite of Hunter Seekers. You can advance the Oaktown Renovation for cash, or use New Construction instead to install econ assets out of hand, tempt them into stealing, and then use HS to trash their programs -- opening up a window for a scoring server setup. Now that is profiteering...

6 Sep 2017 DjMiniboss

What agenda are you planning to pitch to rez Oberth?

6 Sep 2017 obscurica

@DjMiniboss You can cash in on a scored Public Support or any of the 4-pointers. Given that Gagarin makes it cost 5 to trash a Public Support, it acts as a mini-NAPD Contract while in a protected remote.

7 Sep 2017 haywire

Oh my god! I made an impact! O_O

Deck looks better now imho :) The Oberth Protocol is an intresting include, especially since I totally forgot about the ability to advance Ice with it!

Agendas: The Glenn Station is imho a little underwhelming. Why not take a Corporate Sales Team or an Armored Servers instead. And maybe Hollywood Renovation for the Shards?

And I'm not convinced, that Estelle Moon is good outside of HB. You can't let her get too big, because you can't install so much in one turn, so the payout just isnt' as big as in HB. How did she do in the Testing?

7 Sep 2017 krystman

I tried this. I had two games at our meet-up. Both were catastrophic losses - not even close.

Game 1 was against a tagme Maxx. She ignored all assets and just dug like 8 cards deep on R&D and HQ with Counter Surveillance. I even got an Archer on R&D but I didn't matter at all. Seems like the deck can do nothing against this.

Game 2 was against a Smoke. She also ignored the assets. I started with one ice and got 5 points stolen in the first two turns. The win was still early with an easy Maker's Eye dig through a 4-sub Tour Guide.

Granted, not a representative sample space. But I don't see what the deck is trying to do. It seems like the idea is to spam assets. But also to build a scoring server for Oberth Protocol with just 8 ice in total? There really is no reliable way to deal with Agendas piling up in HQ and there is not enough card draw to start mass installing all those assets. Thanks to Temüjin the Runners are swimming in money and the only reason they don't trash all the assets is that aren't threatening enough and the centrals are better targets anyway.

In short, I think this needs more ice, more card draw and a better defined scoring plan.

Keep it up! Looking forward to the γ version.