Ice: Sentry - AP • Rez: 5 • Strength: 1 • Influence: 4

When the Runner encounters this ice, it gains X "[subroutine] Do 1 net damage." subroutines for the remainder of this run. X is equal to the number of cards in the grip.

Jinteki • Liiga Smilshkalne Honor and Profit 17
Event: Run • Cost: 2 • Influence: 2

Run HQ. If successful, access 2 additional cards when you breach HQ.

"I work by referral only, with an up-front fee. The fee is reasonable if you value results." -Silhouette
Criminal • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 35


Hardware: Console • Install: 4 • Influence: 2

+1[memory unit]

Your maximum hand size is increased by 1.

Whenever the Corp scores an agenda, you may search your stack for a card and add it to your grip. Shuffle your stack.

Limit 1 console per player.

Criminal • Agri Karuniawan Honor and Profit 37
Event • Cost: 1 • Influence: 0

Install up to 3 programs from your grip (paying the install costs).

"Welcome to the mass install wizard! This wizard will guide you through the process of installing a whole mess of programs onto your almost-certainly inadequate rig. When you're ready to continue, say-oops, too late, here we go!"
Neutral • Ed Mattinian Honor and Profit 51
Mass Install
Agenda: Research • 4/2

Lower the advancement requirement of each Medical Breakthrough by 1. This ability is active even while Medical Breakthrough is in the Runner's score area.

"You won't feel it. Or anything else, for that matter."
Jinteki • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 5
Medical Breakthrough
Operation: Transaction • Cost: 3 • Influence: 1

Gain 8[credit]. The Runner gains 3[credit].

"Together we have all but eradicated natural diseases from the face of this planet. The new spectre of synthetic disease-of bioterrorism-demands that we continue our efforts."
Jinteki • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 14
Medical Research Fundraiser
Asset: Facility • Rez: 0 • Trash: 3 • Influence: 2

Gain 1[credit] when your turn begins.

The Runner's maximum hand size is increased by 1.

The whitewashed walls dropped away and a beautiful zen garden appeared. It was all an illusion, but it was a comforting illusion.
Jinteki • Viktoria Gavrilenko Honor and Profit 9
Mental Health Clinic
Operation: Double • Cost: 0 • Influence: 2

As an additional cost to play this operation, spend [click].

Install 1 asset, agenda, or upgrade from HQ in the root of a new server. Place 3 advancement counters on that card. You cannot score or rez that card until your next turn begins.

Jinteki • Matt Zeilinger Honor and Profit 15
Mushin No Shin
Upgrade: Region • Rez: 2 • Trash: 5 • Influence: 2

The first time each turn an advancement counter is placed on a card in the root of this server, gain 1[credit].

Limit 1 region per server.

It is difficult to go to Japan without ending up in the sprawl of NeoTokyo.
Jinteki • Emilio Rodríguez Honor and Profit 21
NeoTokyo Grid
Identity: Division • Deck: 45 • Influence: 15

Whenever you and the Runner reveal secretly spent credits, gain 1[credit].

Perfecting the Imperfect.
Jinteki • Emilio Rodríguez Honor and Profit 2
Nisei Division: The Next Generation
Resource: Connection • Install: 1 • Influence: 1

You cannot use Oracle May more than once per turn.

[click]: Name a card type. Reveal the top card of your stack. If the revealed card is of the named type, draw it and gain 2[credit]. Otherwise, trash it.

"The best place to hide is in plain sight, don't you think?"
Neutral • Matt Zeilinger Honor and Profit 54
Oracle May
Program: Icebreaker - AI • Install: 4 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 0 • Influence: 0

When you install this program, place 1 power counter on it for each unused MU. (Place counters after this program's MU cost applies.)

Interface → Hosted power counter: Break 1 subroutine.

1[credit]: +1 strength.

Neutral • Adam S. Doyle Honor and Profit 53
Program: Icebreaker - Decoder • Install: 1 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 2

Interface → 1[credit]: Break 1 code gate subroutine.

2[credit]: +2 strength.

This program cannot interface with ice protecting a remote server.

Nothing is secure when you have the right documentation.
Criminal • Adam S. Doyle Honor and Profit 46
Agenda: Security • 3/2

When you score Philotic Entanglement, do 1 net damage for each agenda in the Runner's score area.

Limit 1 Philotic Entanglement per deck.

Jinteki • Ed Mattinian Honor and Profit 6
Philotic Entanglement
Asset: Ambush • Rez: 0 • Trash: 1 • Influence: 0

Plan B can be advanced.

If the Runner accesses Plan B, you may reveal and score an agenda from HQ with an advancement requirement equal to or less than the number of advancement tokens on Plan B.

Neutral • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 23
Plan B
Event: Double • Cost: 2 • Influence: 2

As an additional cost to play this event, spend [click].

Search your stack for a run event and play that run event (paying its play cost), ignoring any additional costs. Shuffle your stack.

Criminal • Magali Villeneuve Honor and Profit 36
Planned Assault
Asset: Ambush - Psi • Rez: 0 • Trash: 2 • Influence: 1

If the Runner exposes or accesses Psychic Field while installed, you and the Runner secretly spend 0[credit], 1[credit], or 2[credit]. Reveal spent credits. If you and the Runner spent a different number of credits, do 1 net damage for each card in the Runner's grip.

Jinteki • Seage Honor and Profit 10
Psychic Field
Hardware • Install: 1 • Influence: 2

1[recurring credit]

Use this credit to play run events.

Express loved libraries. The consoles were weak, but the security even weaker. He wirelessly loaded up his personal blend of code and started cloning the drive. In just a few minutes, another zombie would claw its way to the surface of cyberspace.
Criminal • Emilio Rodríguez Honor and Profit 38
Public Terminal


Ice: Sentry - AP • Rez: 1 • Strength: 0 • Influence: 1

[subroutine] Do 1 net damage unless the Runner pays 1[credit].

[subroutine] Do 1 net damage unless the Runner pays 1[credit].

Yip Yip!
Jinteki • Liiga Smilshkalne Honor and Profit 18
Event • Cost: 2 • Influence: 1

Secretly spend any number of credits. The Corp guesses if you spent an even or odd amount. Reveal spent credits. If the Corp guessed incorrectly, gain credits equal to twice the amount spent.

Criminal • Matt Zeilinger Honor and Profit 47
Push Your Luck