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Titan Transnational Golden Boy turned... uh... the only guy able to pull off a bulletproof vest and suit combo?
Heck if I know- I just use him to steal ALL THE AGENDAS.
Null worked in finance, so he (combined with some sweet toys) really knows how to get his bang for his buck. Flavor aside, that's really what I've tried to do with one of my first attempts at brewing Anarch (it's a good brew- sharp but sweet.) So, let's dive it right in!
Sure Gamble and I've Had Worse are must haves. No explanation needed.
Ayyyyyy Deuces Wild! Now there's a card. Some people think the extra pips might not be worth it, but the ability to do multiple things at once is way worth it- the click efficiency is phenomenal, something Anarch has been lacking since the loss of poor Wyldcakes. Draw cards, gain info and make runs, gain some money, or clear tags all at the same time makes this card absolutely worth the slot.
Deja Vu because sometimes we want to grab something back. There are some high impact cards that we cannot afford to lose (or sometimes we just want more parasites. shrug)
Dirty Laundry for money and runs. Makes it slightly more efficient, so it's an include.
Levy because late game staying power to recycle all our resources.
I'm on the fence with the Sports Hopper. With Vigil and Earthrise, I rarely find the need for more card draw. My conscience puts it in against damage, but part of me really just wants to cut it.
I love Vigil. With Null having to pitch cards to make things work, and with Faust on the list, we really need some sustainable click-less draw (Earthrise dies after three turns). Most Corps like to keep a lot of cards in hand, so this will fire often.
Daily Casts, Liberated Account, and Same Old Thing need no explanation.
Earthrise because I desperately need some sort of coping strategy for the loss of Wyldcakes. Plus this deck is a wee bit card hungry.
Street Peddler for much the same reason I have Earthrise- to dig, to give discounts on some of the more expensive cards in the deck, and to surprise the Corp with things like Parasite, Mongoose, etc.
Ice Carver. Ohhhhh baby, this is one of the most underrated cards in the game. One less strength for every piece of ice is so many credits saved it gives me the shivers. Plus, the ability to make every piece of ice that much closer to Parasite range makes this card a definite include. Unfortunately, since it's unique, I can't bring myself to run three.
Parasite for obvious reasons. We kill things with the Null ability.
Faust because, despite the MWL, it's just too powerful. What's funny is that Null's ability and Faust's strengthening do the same thing. There wasn't really a point to saying that, it was just cool. Regardless, Faust'll get you through that tricky situation when you don't have the right breaker.
Black Orchestra and Paperclip are arguably the best cards in this deck. The fact that we can overdraw and pitch these, or pitch them to Faust or Null's ability, get them trashed by an Ichi, sac them to an Information Overload, and STILL have them when we need them is just so mindbogglingly awesome that I almost failed to notice that, in most situations, they're more efficient than Gordian Blade or Corroder. I got wet just thinking about playing these, and I sleeved them up in about two seconds after I bought the Data Pack. I originally had Yog.0 in that slot, but the influence it ate up and the release of DNA Tracker and Fairchild 3.0 made it hard to justify keeping it.
Shrike is too clunky on it's own, and Mongoose only works if you have a backup sentry breaker. So, naturally, putting them in together made the most sense. Shrike gets me through Komainu's, Information Overloads, anything big or with a lot of subs, and Mongoose gives me value. They're a good fit.
I haven't had a chance yet to try this spicy brew, but perhaps that's for the best, Now I can get feedback before throwing this into the ring. Any comments and questions (and praise, naturally) are appreciated.
19 Oct 2016
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Mongoose with Mimic in faction (particularly if you are using Null and Ice Carver anyways) seems like an odd choice.
With the abundance of Scarcity of Resources in the meta at the moment (as well as lots of tags) makes your reliance on resources a problem I think.
Otherwise, seems interesting.