Harnessing Stochasticity - kogetta 2.0

koga 3001

Restrictions breed creativity. I feel I've been mentioning this a lot lately. Sometimes, the competitive landscape leads you to either write off some things entirely or entertain weird deckbuilding choices. When the meta poses no limitations, you default to playing the tried and true.
That's not the kind of meta we find ourselves in.
The resurgence of strong rushy decks, coupled with Punitive Counterstrike decks that care about your credit total very early in the game, constantly push runners to try and solve these two uncomfortable problems, creating a sort of "eat your cake and have it too" macro issue: set up breakers fast while also keeping your bank full. As it turns out, multiple people figured out there's something that lets you solve both problems at the same time thanks to cards found in RWR: Rosetta 2.0. The fact that we all ended up converging to the same solution around the same time is quite bizarre, despite believing in different environmental strengths and synergies (AKA factions).

The main difference I see compared to the siblings' approach to the deck is their low interest in exploiting the Trojan part of Muse. Keeping the Liberated Account option of Rosetta open, simply cycling Coalescences, while retaining future Muse double installs seems simply too good to pass. Here, we take advantage of it with two different programs: Saci and Physarum Entangler. The latter is pretty intuitive, you just drop it on command where you need it and do what you need. The former is a little more nuanced and actually allows for much more interesting plays and ways of generating econ, especially when paired with a great economic ID - Los: Data Hijacker.
Here's a very simple example of how you could approach early turns of the Corp pushing a couple points or otherwise important cards:

  • Install Saci on a single iced remote, run it. If the corp rezzes to stop you from seeing what they're pushing, great! You made money, figured out what you need to get through and they lost money.

  • When the Corp inevitably puts a second ice down, the line is incredibly satisfying. Cycle the existing Saci into a Muse, tutoring another Saci for the new ice in the process, cycle Muse for the breaker matching the previously rezzed ice and check again. The Corp is again forced to rez in order to keep you out. Then, you can repeat this, making sure to keep a Saci around for future Window of Opportunity uses.

The rest is mostly goodstuff sprinkled on top of a fast-setup shell of a deck. This is easily not the final iteration of the idea, as the spare inf indicates, but a good first step that deserves to be shared nonetheless. It's also what I would've played at ICC had I done better at American Conts.

If you'd like to evaluate comparisons with Shaper shells or watch the deck in action, please check out Baa Ram Wu's stream. As always, I'd love to chat about the list and more general and abstract game-related ideas, so don't be shy!

Shoutout to Aksu for beating multiple crim bs ideas with boring PD forcing me to actually entertain this monstrosity of an idea I had months ago and never really explored.

16 Jul 2024 jan tuno

masterpiece <3

17 Jul 2024 aksu

I got you fam!

17 Jul 2024 Council

Los hol dir die Kohle

17 Jul 2024 TorpedoTyrus

Haha love it! Was brewing a Rosetta 2.0 Worldtree Steve Deck the Day before ICC and merged it down with only Physarium/Saci/Window, was seriously surprised to see the card the day after! Totally stoked to try this one!

17 Jul 2024 Krasty

What about to include Mr. Fenris ? Dj Roja or other possible targets (Loup, Quetzal or Seb) seems pretty funny... :o)

18 Jul 2024 HaverOfFun

This is so damn wicked! Let the birds fly free!

18 Jul 2024 koga

@jan tuno @aksu @Council @HaverOfFun <3

@TorpedoTyrus that's so wild lmao lmk what you think!

@Krasty👀 that's pretty cool, I'll think about that...