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I've not played for about a year and a half and this deck will show that I wasn't even very good when I was playing it.
Trying to get back in, having just bought the cycle and a half I was behind on, and since the Virus suite got so much tastier I figured I'd start there revisiting my good buddy Chuck
Your targets are Archives and R&D. A solid quarter of this deck will be trashing most of R&D to archives just through Noise's card text alone; more when a quick Retrieval Run reinstalls the ones previously trashed or consigned there through Inject or Paige.
A standard Darwin / e3 Feedback Implants setup forms 90-99% of your Icebreaking. Surge and The Personal Touch keeps Darwin dangerous even after a Virus Purge in the early game, and Fester threatens to bankrupt the Corp if they're over-zealous with their virus scanning. Virus sweeps become proportionately less and less useful as you end up getting Hivemind sitting on your Progenitor, leaving you to worry only about gigantic ice that may need the odd Incubator.
Chakana seems like a bit of a filler card, but as with all the viruses it feeds into the milling machine that is Noise, and buys some time in the late game keeping the final phases of a fast advance machine from firing on all cylinders, while making more conventional decks more obvious about where their agendas and traps really are. It may be the first to go if the deck proves slower than theorised.
Data Folding handles the heavy lifting for cash (and is one of the few cards Paige doesn't magically shuffle into the heap when installed) once the Grimoire, The Genies and your Flypaper is up, while a full suite of Cyberfeeders will pay for 90% of the programs installation costs or Darwin's initial breaking. Nothing really costs more to install than 3
Keyhole may also be a little bit wasted here. It is certainly the most expensive thing in the deck to conventionally put down and has no synergy with the virus suite, but since R&D is the secondary target, it may as well work to keep the Corp unable to keep track of their own R&D and feeding Archives with useful things to steal later.
Later on if the Corp wises up to the sheer hammering you're doing to Archives, you have Hades Shard as the Sword of Damocles. Try to get as many viruses back to your grip over and over through Déjà Vu, filling archives full of who-knows-what rather than trying to get the precious few Events back. It may even get to a point where you've got so much in the Corp's Archives you can just not have to run for the rest of the game; just install viruses over and over, watch the Corp player's face contort into an expression of shock, and ready up your little slice of hell...
It's combo heavy and a few cards over budget. While the combo can get assembled in any way, it really would prefer you meet The Charming Ms. Piper as soon as you can so that she can thin as much of your deck out as possible to get you quicker access to your Hardware and Events, and your viruses in the heap where they're more useful. Inject functions in exactly the same way, albeit a little less safe if you've not found the Mimic or Darwins (and don't have a Retrieval handy).
Because of it's many moving parts, losing some of your hardware to a Power Grid Overload may cause it to stall a little. Any program trasher that looks sideways at your Daemons will cause the thing to collapse like a house of cards, at least until you can get them back.
A single tag between turns can cause nightmares; so much of the deck is invested in getting the machine of resources operational that losing access to them (particularly if Paige has trashed her clones from your stack) will bog you down immensely under the size of the deck and the lack of Event driven economy. Just try to look nonchalant about it and point out how big your Darwin is; maybe them purging virus counters won't hurt as much as having your entire network of contacts shut down...
Anti-AI/Single Icebreaker measures like Turing slowing you down, an over-advanced Wendigo switching off Darwin, or a Swordsman destroying everything that Chuck stands for should make this deck hell to run against; hope that your enemy doesn't spring them all in front of Archives once they see you're playing as Noise.
The Corp's Lord and Saviour, could be fairly common issue, as with any other cards that the Corp can do to leverage cards back from Archives themselves. Your targeting will naturally shift to HQ here, which may run you into a Snare or two if the Corp out mind-games you. At this point though, it's all about who does trash resurrection better, and hopefully it's this deck.
There's so many more cards I'd like to include; and most of the cards here I'd want a full suite of already. Some more tutoring would help, as would getting Same Old Thing or some Clone Chips in here somehow. Sage at a cost of the Chakanas would give a much needed backup icebreaker setup; removing Darwin entirely and putting in some conventional tactics would keep Mimic for something other than Swordsman duty too.
To build a variant of this deck that targets HQ instead of R&D, swapping the Chakana for Pheromones, the Mediums for Nerve Agents, and sneaking a little Wanton Destruction where it'll fit would help. A stronger focus on R&D may need The Maker's Eye splashed for.
Since the deck's so heavy, a variant with MaxX or Valencia may be practical (MaxX to burn your stack into the heap where it's useful, and Valencia just for the first e3 for free every run since this deck's already 50+), but the sheer synergy with Noise's virus milling would be lost.