Orgy Pants (2-1 @ NYC/NJ CO)

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xdg 464

Lucifer Orgy Pants Scene

Internal code name: Ass Lat v0

Oh, look, it's another Swift Lat deck.

I was expecting to see a lot of assets, particularly in Asa and R+, after UK Nationals. So I (over)tuned Dee's In My Lat Era for an asset matchup:

I had considered something more like a TAI Breaker Lat, but I liked the early pressure Dee brought with Euler, and I wanted 3x Simulchip to recycle Fermenter or Cupellation.

On the influence cuts, I remembered that Bridgeman's Aesops Lat played without Pinhole -- he felt that it was too situational and clogged the hand. And Dee said in their writeup that DJ is a tech card they installed only a couple times at Worlds. On that basis, and figuring that games were getting fast enough that tempo to install DJ was rarer anyway, I cut those to bring the asset tech.

As it turns out, I didn't see R+ at the CO, but I'm posting this anyway as an example of ways one could use/abuse Swift Lat.


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