Adam Campaign

Benjen 726

I may be on to something here.

I took Adam to a tourney and went 3-1. Not bad. Then the horrible realization hit: I never saw a single turing. Stack two of those on my previous build and that was game. But finding space for decent fracters and decoders was tricky.

The solution? Sage

Adam: Compulsive Hacker gets stronger as the game goes longer. With Brain Chip his hand size and memory increase. Sage gets better with him (and looks suspiciously like Multithreader, which also happens to be an excellent way to pay for using it).

So how do you play Adam? Early game: Steal an Agenda from HQ. Get your hand size up and get some economy. I find I can quickly get ahead and then rest a bit during the midgame to get my money in a good place with Armitage Codebusting and Kati Jones

Modded and Career Fair can combine to save you 15 credits in the game and significantly speed up your ability to play your rather expensive breaker suite. But if you are afraid Sage might not have enough strength, you can always replace Modded with MemStrips.

Stimhack wins games. Stimhack and e3 Feedback Implants is a big middle finger to HB Glaciers.

21 Nov 2015 Bigguyforyou518

I like it. I like it a lot.

21 Nov 2015 mmc31

I like this deck - have a similar one going on. I think I like Data Folding more than Kati Jones for econ - If you run, click, click with ABR, you don't want to spend your last click on Kati (i typically would rather play something, triggering Safety First).

Also, I dislike Earthrise Hotel in adam, since the draws will typically mean Safety First won't trigger - have you experienced this?

Plascrete Carapace... Your increased hand size should typically put you outside of double scorch range in the mid game. I think I like New Angeles City Hall more, esp since it will help protect your resources - and stops the Keegan Lane Data Raven combo. You can also blank NACH with Lovegood on your turn to prevent the trash.

Another card that seems surprisingly good out of adam is Kraken. You typically make you runs early, and so usually have a click left after stealing. It can keep the early game going longer.

Also, Scrubber. So good in adam. I'll even career fair it onto the table.

21 Nov 2015 Benjen

@mmc31 I'm interested in the New Angeles City Hall but if I blank it on a run then I can't use it to avoid a tag during a run. But it still might be worth it for a one time use. Not a lot of people in my meta are playing Keegan.

I'm still not sold on data folding. I definitely considered it but I always feel like it is too slow. I don't mind clicking Kati for a while and then getting tons of credits.

Kraken on the other hand . . . That sounds fun. Maybe switch a plascrete for one.

21 Nov 2015 mmc31

Yes, blanking NACH would be circumstantially useful. Some NBN decks (24/7 for ex) you'd want to, some you wouldn't (if they are playing Quantum Predictive Model, Keegan Lane, etc.). If you can tell how they plan to land tags (ICE vs. events) or if you already know what the ICE is on the server you're running, it should be an easy decision to make.

22 Nov 2015 Saan

Two things. First, it looks like with 45 cards and only 4 breakers in them, getting them out might be a problem, especially since your only draw in the deck is your Directive. Facechecking into Sentries can be painful.

Second, what's the second Always Be Running for? I assume just replacing it if it gets trashed?

22 Nov 2015 Benjen

@Saan I have Earthrise Hotel to supplement the draw and I haven't had a problem getting the cards I need most of the time. But I do think the lack of tutoring and recursion could present some problems, I just haven't really experienced it yet.

And yes, the extra Always Be Running is for those strange situations where I am playing in a tournament against Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon and some dude rezzes a Corporate Town on me and decides to trash the first one . . . not that that ever happens.