Icepick (1-2 NANPC MTL)

Weltgeist 277

This is the ice-destruction-based deck I brought to NANPC MTL, as recently seen in the latest Metropole Grid game where I lost pretty emphatically to Izzy on Shoot the Moon PD.

Not too much to report here other than that I think the influence is all wrong. Bravado is a great card but it's just not worth the influence, especially when it costs me my Miss Bones and a third Aumakua.

Otherwise a lot of fun to pilot, lost fairly hard to Izzy and Jeff/Ysengrin (in the latter case despite shuffling and drawing one of my two Boomerangs on three or four successive turns. Tells you a lot about the game when I have that kind of luck and still lose pretty hard).

Still, with a bit of tweaking this could be a thing! Aggro Hosh is a delight, Patchwork remains a card extremely near and dear to my heart, ice destruction remains fun. Just gotta grind a fair few more games to get better with it.