New Death By a Thousand Cuts

x3r0h0ur 8951

DBaTC done right. Play as never-advance.

If just 1 snoop counter lands PC's become that much more incredibly deadly. Stock up the hand with Shock, Snare and fetal AI to bring the hurt. Recur only damage cards with Jackson, concentrate the damage down as the deck runs out.

Take all of the Bad Publicity.

14 Jan 2014 Mash

Hey you already posted my next iteration of my Snoop + Neural EMP deck ! And you've done it so well. It's hard to cram all econ you need to make it works, especially Snoop and Punitive while keeping the Four Horsemen : Snare Shock Hokusai EMP. The only thing I doubt here is Tsurugi which I didnt practice but another chance to early deal 3 net probably worth its cost.

14 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

It's also a credit tax even with mimic out. I'm not sure what I'd replace it with, it is certainly the weakest card in the set. Ideally this deck draws almost twice as often as normal decks. This accomplishes 2 things. Get to PC, and the have a 3-install turn.

15 Jan 2014 db0

I think now that keyhole is coming out, you're going to have a bad time, especially at the early game if you don't get a Katana to help you protect R&D

17 Jan 2014 shazzner

with so little ice I think Levy University might work really well here

18 Jan 2014 Ajar

Snoop is an interesting way to help your damage plan along and support Punitive, although pulling a Plascrete from their hand would telegraph intent. I'm guessing you generally pull breakers or econ?

23 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

Generally, sit on the counter until you need to inflict 1 more point of damage to kill the runner. If you know they're going to access a snare and they have 3 counters in hand, use your paid ability window to pop the counter and snag a card so they have 2 in hand. Or before a junebug. Or double PC...etc.

23 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

I should note, a more updated version runs 2 junebugs and 1 CO

23 Jan 2014 AsteriskCGY

Yes, lets make advancable traps a thing again.

23 Jan 2014 e2xtq

I love that, fear and bluff

29 Jan 2014 rahmal

what is co? and what did you cut for those 3 cards?

2 Feb 2014 Ajar

Cerebral Overwriter. Not sure what he cut, though.