Sir Gabe (4th Place Nationals 2014)

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atuk84 255

4th Place in Malaysia 2014 Nationals.

Basicly this is a tag-me deck with a lot of Ice Breakers so I can hit the gas early. Playing 3 Sneakdoor so I have high probability to have it in my starting hands to force corp to thin the ICE by protecting archive. Sneakdoor Beta is also why I chose Gabe over Andy.

Playing 3 Knight so I don't have to tutor it and also ensure my account siphon always go thru. I have an E3 Feedback to discount the cost to break the following subroutine broken by Knight.

Breach is the alternative of having 2 Corroder in deck so I can save the influence. Plus knight with Inside Job can go thru remote server early game with out any problem.

I play Mimic simply because Jinteki is very very common here in Malaysia (besides NEH of course). basicly it shuts down a lot of Jinteki's ICE.

Femme is reserved for Tollbooth or some case where I have Maker's Eye in hand and want to get thru R&D or Account Siphon for HQ.

I would only play Ninja if I face HB since it is very efficient against HB ICE. In same cases I did use it to break Susanoo-no-Mikoto.

Having 3 desperado really boost my economy and make my run more efficient especially if I get it early game.

Since I'm playing tag-me deck, I would blindly install Plascrete against all corp except HB if I didn't see any out of faction cards during my run.

Account Siphon is a staple card to Gabe plus its a very good econ card since I'm playing Knights.

2 special order is just enough as Knights are doing most of the jobs. But the are rare occasion where I just need to find the Ice breaker for a specific task such as corroder, mimic, femme and keymaster.

2 Inside Job is just enough as Knights can get thru most of the ICE

Planned Assault is the tutor to The Maker's Eye, Legwork, Inside Job or Account Siphon. I would love to have it on my starting hands. The Maker's Eye is the R&D threat for corp who carelessly put thick ICE on HQ.

2 Same Old Thing to recur the Account Siphon and The Maker's Eye to win the game.

Armitage is a good econ card if I'm tagged as I can put it on my 1st click and click 2, 3 n 4 to gain creds and corp will waste 1 click n 2 creds to trash it.

Since NEH become famous, I pack 1 bank job to punish unprotected remote.