Divine Sorcerer

mabool 19

This is a Resource May deck. I chose Resources (over Events) for a few reasons:

  • The economy is just as good.
  • It allows me to look for Motivation, which Event May wiffs on.
  • There is a Resource based anti tag-and-bag (New Angeles City Hall), while there is no anti tag-and bag in Event form.

The economy is Aesop's Pawnshop based; I can sell the Armitage Codebustings, the Daily Casts, the Liberated Accounts, the extra Motivation, the Imps and the extra access cards if their respective servers are over-protected.

It's an AI deck; AI are succectible to Wraparound and Swordsman. Knight takes care of Wraparound and Femme Fatale can take care of Swordsman, in the rare cases that he shows up.

Déjà Vu is essential, because while Motivation is not yet out, you might end up trashing both Crypsii.

The ideal turn (if noting urgently requires your attention) is: Oracle May, Kati Jones, Crypsis, Something else.

31 Aug 2014 jeibel

Aren't the 3 Fall Guy overkill ? You don't run tag-me or DLR, is resource trashing such a risk ? Looks like it's there for Breaking News mainly.

12 Feb 2015 Caïssa

Seems like this would be a perfect fit for Donut Taganes.

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