Study Guide Kit

gcentauri 2

Beta-testing this deck. So far its only won once. It feels slow at the moment. Help?

The idea for this deck is the Study Guide + Omega combo. I like both of these cards and with Kit's ID it makes any 2 ICE server accessible, given the funds.

I thought Multithreader would be a good addition since I can use it to buff Study Guide even if I don't run, but Magnum Opus and 3 icebreakers takes up all the memory fast. I hadn't run into memory issues until this deck, so... CyberSolutions Mem Chip.

Ideally, you'll see a Test Run in your first hand which you can use to grab Magnum Opus, and gain 6 credits. Next turn you can draw and install it (maybe even with Modded and have 2 clicks and 4 credits left to begin whatever strategy looks good.

You'd also love to see Personal Workshop in your first draw, which will help install many things. With a Femme Fatale hosted you can use Stimhack to install it during a run and get a bypass counter on just the ice you want it to.

Any thoughts? This uses all cards that I actually own.

18 Feb 2016 nootroonoor

If MU is your concern then you can use Omni-Drive or Cyberfeeder. Not a fan of Omni-Drive myself because it means you want to see it before Study Guide. Easy things to cut/replace then would be the CyberSolutions, and do you really need 3 Comets? Consider a lighter hardware engine with Plascrete Carapace instead of Public Sympathy, then you can search for it all with Tyson Observatory.

18 Feb 2016 esutter479

Regardless of anything, it kinda needs a Fracter. If you come up against a Foodcoats or RP that's able to ice up R&D to 4 or 5, you'll more than likely encounter a barrier or two in between your kill zones (outermost and innermost ICE). Battering Ram is your answer to that, unless you plan on putting Scavenges in for Femme dancing. I would also add another Modded, somehow. Take out a Maker's Eye or's not like you're piling on SoTs, and you have RDIs.

Other than that, this looks like a really intriguing list. Very inventive, I like it. :)

18 Feb 2016 enk

I have come to really hate MU hungry Kit decks. The setup always fails, and you just spend half the game drawing cards. Tyson Observatory is not a solution. Multithreader is the obvious things to lose here, as there are two perfectly good pieces of hardware you can use to fuel your Study Guide: Lockpick and Cyberfeeder.

Omega is cute, and I want to like it, but Atman is simply better. Mostly because Omega is ridiculously overpriced to install.

Since you're using Test Run and expensive programs, Scavenge feels like an ideal card to speed up your setup. Sure, no combo with Stimhack, but if you want that, you can just add some Self-modifying Code and ditch the workshops.

I feel iffy about Comet. Tried it in one Kit deck and it never showed up in time to be useful. Even if it did, the 4 to install is too much of a tempo hit. Astrolabe is boring and in every deck, but there's a reason for that.

You could easily free up 3 influence by -3 Easy Mark, +3 Dirty Laundry.

Finally, your breaker suite needs to have some form of early aggression to slow down the game while you're setting up your study guide. In Kit that usually means either Cyber-Cypher or Refractor. I personally like Refractor because you only need one to threaten everything, but it obviously needs support cards.

18 Feb 2016 enk

Also. Wraparound is a card. In every corp deck. I second the need for a fracter. If you free up the influence from easy marks, you can get a shiny Corroder.

18 Feb 2016 Mechanoise

I love Study Guide Kit, but it is slow, combined with Magnum Opus and you're slow rolling credits in just to pump Study Guide to a viable strength. The biggest problem is Kit needs to take the early advantage, otherwise she's missing out on serious potential in the first 5 turns.

I've got a Kit deck posting now, called "Quick & Quiet". From using Kit for a number of years, hopefully this will give you some idea of how to build a powerful deck around her ability. :)

18 Feb 2016 Troubleshooter

I've been running a Kit deck and also want to love Study Guide. But if you're committed to the Stimshop thing or the Test Run + Scavenge thing, you're probably better off with Torch, as those free/accelerated installs won't pump strength on SG.

I agree that 3xScavenge to go with your Test Runs is a winner, plus Scavenge on its own will let you re-aim a Femme.

I really like the idea with Omega, but aside from the cost, you're likely to see a lot of AI-hate right now because Faust is everywhere.

Agree with others that you need a Fracter of some kind, if only to turn Wraparound back down. Kit can't really afford to blow influence on Corroder, so it's probably Snowball or Inti.

19 Feb 2016 gcentauri

thanks for all the comments! what a cool community out here on the net.

seems like i need to purchase some more shaper friendly sets, it does seem like i'm missing some key components to make a tight deck that can take advantage of Kit's ID to get more aggressive. As it is, this deck totally relies on lucky runs and making tough decisions on when and what to run on.