NEXT IceStorm

ZiNOS 435

The deck is still undergoing changes but this is the current build, after a lot of changes.

The deck is a rush deck that forces early agendas. The main idea is to force the scoring either of a Mandatory Upgrades or an Accelerated Beta Test. It is crucial to lay down an agenda on the remote server you will create from the free ice and then advance it.

Most of the times, it is actually good to activate the Accelerated Beta Test ability since the ice density of the deck is pretty heavy.

In case you only draw 1 ice in your starting hand, mulligan without second thoughts :)
11 Oct 2013 ZiNOS

Jackson Howard is under consideration but the space is a bit limited. I really like the Aggressive Secretary since it can be advanced once you have 4 or 5 agenda points down (not so hard with this deck) and force the runner to run on it, destroying his rig and getting time to score the last agenda. Used to be Cerebral Overwriter but i lost games with the runner having already suffered 3 brain damage :(.

11 Oct 2013 Alsciende

I built a similar deck recently. Common points : NEXT Design, Aggressive Secretary, Rototurrets. For the rest, I have a feeling your ice are way too expensive to allow for a quick rush while ensuring minimal protection of R&D. What will you play if your starting hand has Mandatory Upgrades, Heimdall and Ichi in it?

12 Oct 2013 ZiNOS

I would mulligan. Generally i do not care about RnD so much in the beginning. Build Ichi infront of your HQ, Heimdall on the Remote. You draw two cards, one of them will be ice normally. Draw cards and get credits enough to raise the Heimdall. Afterwards go for the Agenda or another agenda if one appears. Pop ups and Katanas are excellent for RnD, the same goes with Elli.

Try it. One change you can make is removing one expensive ice and using one more wall of static. If you still feel that you need more cheap ice, remove 1 rototurret also and go to 3 ice walls. Rototurret is good in my meta. Too many shansaharas and Djinns so you can open it early and get a program also.

Accelerated Beta Test for expensive ice is what you can do with this deck. I always fire up the first beta test. It turns up good most of the times.


14 Oct 2013 ZiNOS

Unfortunatelly opening moves is not out here in Greece yet, so i have not updated the deck. The changes that i can see coming (but need to be tested) is of course THE Jackson Howard and maybe Grim if i decide to leave Rototurrets out of the picture. In the newset version the rototurrets have become 2 and i have added a Wall of Static. Rototurret is useless once a killer is on the table and Grim can destroy programs more efficiently. Especially if it is the outermost icebreaker in a server, it can actually stop a run. What i see with this deck is that the actual Ice distribution and comporition is relevant to personal play style and local meta. However, the general strategy seems to work well, once you have a big ice count.