HB: ID10T Error

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HepatitvsJ 244

I took this to a tournament saturday and went 2-1 with my only loss being to agenda/asset flood. I simply couldn't protect me centrals AND a remot effectively against a Whizzard who shredded all my assets. I plan to add 2 DBS in the rebuild to help against this.

First off, I faced one Leela (similar to regional champ MKE style build) and 2 Whizzards (neither played NRE but builds were similar to L4J) I squeaked out a win against Leela because we went to time and on my last turn I was able to score a P-Vit I had installed the previous turn to win 4-3. It was my first game with this deck and I had an IT out with 5+ counters on it behind a pop up window and Tollbooth as the inner ICE. With Bastion and Datapike on R&D the runner simply couldn't get in without beggaring himself and giving me a scoring window. ITD is click intensive but incredible powerful as it completely changes the math the runner needs to do to get in. The second game was a low ICE agenda/asset flood disaster vs Whizzard The third was a 7-3 win with ITD keeping the runner out completely or making multi access too expensive for whizzard.

I played pop up window because I wanted to play with the alt art in the tourney. :) For a rebuild, I want to add 2 DBS for draw consistency and a second EBC. I may switch agendas for NAPD again as well as mandatory upgrades and go down to 18 ICE. Blacklist wasn't necessary in any of the games, nor was EBC since I didn't face PPVP Kate or Valencia but I like having them in the deck for those matchups. I may drop the Blacklist anyway. CVS is awesome against Noise but current NRE Anarchs, less so. I will likely drop it for space.

I decided on neutral ICE (WoS/Datapike) over NEXT ICE since it's just a cascade failure against parasite. I wasn't disappointed. In 2 Whizzard matchups I only saw one parasite total played against a datapike and several more discarded. Whereas I shredded an HB deck playing Next ICE with my parasites. Any constructive criticism is welcome. :)



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