
accless 34

Terrible name, 'Thief Proof' would have been better but I wanted to keep it related to db0's Untrashable where this version is derived from: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/3489/untrashable-v5 . The idea behind this deck is the same as it his in his deck. Make multiple runs against this deck's centrals or a single run on a remote as expensive/painful as possible. The runner will spend most of his turns drawing cards and trying to get his economy back up which gives you a scoring window. If not, this deck can kill a careless runner. I won't go into too much detail since db0 does a much better job explaining the concept. I'll just explain my changes to his version:

Agendas: I changed the Agenda Suite to one that taxes the runner even more. I lose the incredible strength of Nisei MK2 and the deck becomes a little bit slower because of it but having three of both NAPD Contract and Fetal AI coupled with The Future Perfect means that a poor Runner cannot take Agendas from you. Multi-access strategies via Maker's Eye, RDI etc become not only hilariously expensive but dangerous as well since a Snare into Fetal or Shock can easily be deadly depending on the ICE protecting RnD. The only Agenda that remains accessible the usual way is Philotic Entanglement. Before H&P, this used to be Braintrust, just to fill it up to 20 points. I never got the ability going (which with a whole 12 ICE ain't too good anyway). Philotic is filling the same spot being the one Agenda rounding the count out to 20 but it has more uses. Your opponent will notice quickly that you play rather expensive agendas and stops running your unrezzed and un-advanced remotes after a couple turns or if you got a suitable amount of unrezzed remotes already (like Protocols, Jacksons, Snares mebbe etc) so you can easily sneak a cheeky Philotic out. Your opponent might get ahead on the Agenda count and score a few before you get going resulting in you sniping a couple cards from their hand. You spent your turn advancing, they spend their turn drawing up again, effectively wasting their turn and you got 2 points for it. Fair deal.

Assets: The only change I made here is Mental Health Clinic over PAD Campaign which is something I'm testing at the moment and so far it has been amazing. On paper, it looks rather terrible. Giving your opponent more cards to hold in a deck that deals net damage? In practice, it works a lot better since your opponent still has to draw his cards and spend clicks on that. The real advantage lies in its rez cost. Not having to play 2 to rez is just amazing. Usually, you're faced with quite a dilemma in the early game: Rezzing ICE or activating a Snare and then not having enough money to rez your PAD campaign resulting in you wasting a turn trying to get some credits to rez the Campaign later, again throwing you back in the credit department. With the clinic, that is gone. You gain a 2 click advantage right off the start and can plan much more precisely what cards you want to play. It does mean, however, that Ronin becomes worse. I had already taken him out before H&P but now, there is a more intriguing option:

Operations: A singleton copy of Diversified portfolio may seem odd (it rather is, actually, I just wanted to test it) but it's a card you want in the mid to late game and you don't want to draw too many, so one is actually quite okay. In this deck, you can easily make 6-8 credits with it and use it as great monetary recovery after a big assault where you rezzed a lot of cards. Who needs Restructure when you got 8 remotes (and some of those make money too!).

ICE: Komainu for 1 Tsurugi because they do similar things, with Komainu being less flexible but he is way more taxing and works well with the Clinics and even better with his BFF Hokusai Grid. Enigma over Data Pike because clicks are hard to come by facing this deck. The Deck is still in a testing phase but a blast to play with if you like micromanagement in Netrunner. ...And somehow I spent more time explaining a couple changes than the original deck's creator spent explaining the entire deck. Oh well, I hope, if you made it this far, you at least enjoyed it a bit.

4 May 2014 db0

Pity your didn't copy it from my deck using netrunnerdb's function. Then it would have a link under "Derived from" ;)

Pretty solid changes. My issue with Mental Health clinic, other than the fact that it's making your opponent harder to kill via mistakes (and allows them to hold more junk cards to lose to shocks and other net damage) is that it's one less trash cost than PAD. But yeah, using it with Koimanu makes sense.

In V6, I changed 2 shocks to 2 Shi.Kyu, since hitting the runner with one of them, guarantees they'll need 4 agendas to win, which is very useful in a taxing deck.

4 May 2014 accless

argh, curses! I heard about the derived from function and I looked for an editing guide for it but couldn't find it. Next time if there's a V2.

I was unsure about Shi-Kyu but it seems really good. I made these changes right before our store championship and I wanted something reliable so I went with the shocks. I'll probably change 1 Shock to Shi-Kyu. Nobody trashed my clinics. 3 seems to be the pain-threshold for most people. They already dread trashing a Jackson from an HQ or RnD access and the clinic isn't by far as important as him. I went up against 4 PADman decks which seems like the worst matchup due to parasites and an insane card drawing and money engine and not even they trashed the Clinics.

5 May 2014 steevo15

Mental health clinic makes komainu incredibly taxing. I'd find a way to put in a second one.

22 May 2014 db0

Heh, now you can set the "Derived from" field manually by editing your decklist :)

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