Dino is a hacker v3

Magnetic 124

Thank you Chio for your feedback.

7MU isnt that bad. When I will have problem, I will replace Yog for Datasucker. Morning Star will continue the madness,

Question is when I delete buffed yog from Dinosaurus can I Scavenge Morning Star and put on it +2 Strengh ?

Added also Daily Casts. Just for tests. We will see how it works with Armitage and Kati Jones.

18 Feb 2014 Chio

Yes, you can use scavenge to move a breaker you have onto Dinosaurus.

Many people still run Kit decks with just yog, and when the code gates get bigger, they draw cards to find a dino and use scavenge to move the Yog onto it. It works the same as scavenging something after you test run it, to keep that program from going to the top of your deck.

Good Luck and have fun with it.