End the run Institute (1st Place @ Store Champ New Zealand)

Linger 360

Classical glacier Tennin Institute.

I was looking for the counter Reina, Maxx, Valencia decks. And I found that this deck is doing really good job against anarch/criminals this decks.

Solid glacier deck punishing poor runners.

How to pilot the deck:

Build up centrals and heavy tax the runner:

  • 17 ices is more than enough to protect only central servers
  • Crisium grid disables Maxx retrieval runs and Account Siphon proof
  • Will-o'-the-Wisp as a secret knock down for the breackers
  • ID ability force runner to lose a credits/click each turn to successfully run your overprotected centrals

Economics as a strong side of this deck:

  • 11 straight to play economy cards will never left you poor even playing against taxing Reina
  • Ices are cheap to rez which helps economy
  • Strong economy allow you to easily bet 2 credits on a psy games lowering chance of poor runner
  • I have seen that runners that discarded Account Siphon from their hand after Caprice Nisei and Crisium Grid was rezzed on HQ

Useful tips:

  • Don't loose the scoring window. If you have a chance to install a quick remote with ice and agenda - do it! Especialy with a first Medical Breakthrough
  • The run is considered neither successful nor unsuccessful for the purpose of future card abilities, even if Crisium Grid is later trashed. (eg Tennin Institute will trigger if the only successful run the Runner made was against a server with a rezzed Crisium Grid). Netrunner FAQ 1.6

This deck can be easily modified and adapted for your preferred game play:

  • You can replaced The Future Perfect to NAPD Contract and Philotic Entanglement to 2 Clone Retirements - that will give you BP proof unless runner will steel your clones
  • Splash a heavy ice if you are thinking that this deck is not a fortress enough, during the games I have had at least 10 spare credits
  • You are Jinteki and that means runner is scared of snares and other traps - pretend you have them or actually use them

How to fight against this kind of glacier Tennins?

  • Run all server, run, run and run again. If you will allow them to advance ices you will loose. Open archives? run there.
  • Runners with a solid economy can easily smash this glacier deck
25 Mar 2015 moistloaf

play ToL while you can kids, Clot is coming to ruin your fun.

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