[Startup] Flatline Fishing RH - Station One Startup League

F3nr1s 174

Thank you everyone that is playing in the Station One Startup League. Thank you KennyG for organising it!

I'm having a whale of a time jumping into casually competitive netrunner.

This, along with my runner deck, won season 2 of our little ANZ startup league. My sets were all sweeps where I went 6-2 and I won on a 3 way strength of schedule tiebreaker.


My goal with this deck was perhaps not as noble as with my runner deck.

I wanted to build a corp deck that could win due to my opponent's missplays as much as possible. the thought that spawned it was wondering if I could make archives an instant flatline if it was ran, and then bait that run because of the economy from Jinteki: Restoring Humanity

I won a couple games off an early Anemone -> Fujii Asset Retrieval


Wincons: (every way i think this deck might win a game)

Fujii Asset Retrieval gets stolen from archives and instant flatline

Regenesis scores the impossible to steal fuji's

Blood in the Water gets fast advanced out when the runner is nearly dead from everything else the deck is doing

Bladderwort and Reaper Function combo at the start of turn

Snare! (theres always a chance)

Punitive Counterstrike

Anemone on archives is guaranteed damage

the issue with all of these wincons is that they are very hard to force. and REQUIRE the runner to forget something or run last click or missplay.

It is quite boring sometimes because you don't have a way to make the game end. probably would recommend a deck that could win if the runner did nothing.



mostly explained previously, the plan is hide them or sneak them out on the table.



Bladderwort is strange, i usually never rezzed it and used it as fodder. but the potential to combo for damage or restart your economy is good.

Front Company is underrated, its not an amazing card, but its perfect for making archives a game loss to run, and with hostile, it costs an arm and a leg to remove.

Hostile Architecture if they let me keep a hostile I would usually win the game. makes it very easy to set up reapers, hide agendas, and front company costs 3 clicks and 2 cards to trash unless they let you keep the hostile.

Reaper Function is really really good but whenever I play with it they end up getting trashed from R&D before I see them :(

Snare! is a mind virus, perfectly suits this deck that is trying to cheat wins.

Spin Doctor is good for drawing cards to discard and when you throw away too many agendas into archives. (it also sometimes baits archives runs because they want to check)



Hansei Review is a click for 6 credits because of Jinteki: Restoring Humanity

Mindscaping puts Snare! on the deck every time... or a Fujii :) - that game was fun -

Punitive Counterstrike is great until the runner sees you have it, then they will always have more money than you. and this deck is bad at taxing the runner.

Simulation Reset I think my draws with this might be broken but it always gives me exactly what i need. good as a panic button and a recursion tool.



Mavirus needs to be more than a one of I think, the additional damage was nice on archives, but expensive.



I really don't know how to build an ice suite, and I don't think that Jinteki has good ice. But these things probably don't matter too much, the deck is trying to get the runner to make a bad run, not keep them out of every server.

Tatu-Bola early barrier so you don't lose immediately, free money is nice.

Vampyronassa is expensive for you and the runner, all the subroutines are relevant, and with little ice they usually faceplant into it without a breaker.

Anemone goes on archives and then when you flatline them when the see the Fujii Asset Retrieval right after. if they don't flatline. that's what Friends are for!

Karunā is what I put in because I wanted more ice but didn't know what to put in.


this one was even more rambley and less thought out than my runner deck, but this deck just kept on winning! it required a lot of patience and made me feel like I was scamming people out of wins sometimes. but it worked? I guess that's the Jinteki way?