In this latest variant, I focus on massive econ and cheap ice.
Ice is mostly ETR to go with Successful Demonstration and is based off the ice from
Wraparound is very nice. For 1 extra credit over Ice Wall, we get anti-Parasite, Atman, and Crypsis measures!
I may drop some of the operations in favour of a corporate troubleshooter to make a Grim or an ETR ice stick at a crucial moment. It's also good for leveraging all the money being generated.
Gila Hands is a great early Agenda to score and maintains crucial economic power.
Not sure how I feel about Blue Level Clearance just yet, but on the surface I like it. This deck doesn't have too many agendas and some of the ice and operations are situational and can be dead draws late game (such as closed accounts, paper wall, successful demonstration). While I've mentioned it, closed accounts is there as a little surprise for tag-me runners and just because I absolutely loathe account siphon.
Power Shutdown is for creating scoring windows when the runner loses their precious corroder or data sucker.
As much as I love NEXT Bronze, they'll probably get dropped once Quandary comes out. Hopefully more NEXT ice comes out soon.