Lay in Wait

otterstrike 13

My first idea to mess with what I expect will be a flood of SIFR based decks. A combination of the recursion based PU grind decks, classic Mushin mind games, and an effort to snipe and Lockdown key pieces of the breaker suite. The only other thing I'd really like to add would be AI hate, to counter Eater, Faust, and Atman.

I realize it's mostly an anti-deck, that doesn't have a strong plan of its own, but I do like the security of not caring about any of the major pressure cards I see in my meta (Temujin, en Passant, SIFR presumably, apocalypse, Wizzard). Account Siphon is bad news though.

Clone Retirement is for Val. I've had success against Geist by sniping/Lockdowning the only Levy. Cyberdex as Medium defense is tempting, although with a few agendas scored, digging deep becomes pretty risky. The win condition other than the deck-kill is probably mostly Overwriter into EMP. I wanted Bio-Ethics in support of this, but I'm not sure what to cut. Thoughts?