Fastrobiotics (2nd Place Event Horizon Store Champs 2015)

Claytron 85


I know NBN Fastrobiotic decks are a dime a dozen, but this was my first tournament win with any deck, so I thought I'd post a write up here. Also, I'd like to note that I'm still on a single core set - so that dictated what might be otherwise unusual card choices.


With Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center's dominance in NBN right now, people aren't expecting a single-remote NBN: The World is Yours*, and I think that helped in my favor.

Generally, you'll need to build your central defenses up first, only dropping an agenda when you're sure you can score it. Don't be shy clicking for credits, this deck needs money, and the hand-size helps hide things. It also helps against R&D lock by not giving the runner more cards to access. When you need the agenda, you can always Fast Track them out.

Some Callouts

The MVP of the deck would probably be RSVP as it has a nice synergy with so much else; from the look on a runner's face when they see a NAPD Contract they can't steal, to when you rez a Red Herrings preventing even a Project Beale from being stolen, or saving your single SanSan City Grid for just one more turn.

I switched out a single Fast Track for the Foxfire the day before to have something to deal with the shards. Ironically, I never saw a single shard day-of, so i can't tell you how that went.

The single Jackson Howard was plenty. I typically never needed to drop an agenda, except for an NAPD Contract here and there, and those are usually fine in archives anyway, and with the Anonymous Tip, I've not yet used his draw ability.

Both Jackson Howard and Red Herrings come in more handy as a bluff in the remote to lure a run there instead of one of the centrals.

Not sure how this would deal with noise, but the Wraparounds has done a good job of keeping Eater out.

I'm still not sure about the Archer. I either had it late, after they had their sentry breaker, or I never had an agenda I was willing to sacrifice.