Chin Check Deck [Standard] SARASWATI Asset spam

snedd 10

Been messing with Saraswati for a while and having a mad time.

Shell game and killing the runner is all you need to try and do.

  • Fuji does damage. Derr. Data loop forces the runner to put cards out of their hand to the top of their stack. Kaboom. Pow.

  • Spam assets. You can use Saraswati's ability even on cards you can't advance. Everything is an urtica - even this urtica is an urtica. Bam. Wop.

  • moon pool can be rezzed and used even on the runner's turn like spin doctor. Dsh. Dsh. Dsh. Boom.

  • Some matchups are hard like 419. Ow. Smack. Crack.

  • Aim to kill not to score but scoring can help you kill. Shing. Ding. Ding.

  • Saraswati's ability helps with Urtica and Cerebral but don't use it on Charlotte because you can't rez it before your turn starts if you installed it on the previous turn. Huff. Puff. Brg.

  • Letting the runner steal a sting is often a good idea. Splat. Drip. Drip.

  • Saraswati's ability can be easy to forget when the card can be rezzed so I usually only use it for agendas or damage cards that i dont need to rez. Huh. Hmm. Mkay.

  • Hokusai Grid is your friend. Shatter. Splat. Blerg.

  • Just kill.