
pord 29

Adam is my fav runner of all times.... so why not make another one... oh wait... hang on... I get paid to be adam?!

Adam check list:

Run alot - check... and get paid

See top of RnD - check... and get paid

Access more than 1 care in HQ all the time - Check... NOT FORCED TO TRASH, oh, and get paid

Large hand size - Check... love me some brains

Only thing missing is drawing all the time... hey ho

Some reasons for some of the cards: EP... well in my local meta... shep always runs this... Its good for draw and money, especially when you need a turn off running.

Guru... damn neurospike combos go away

Mutual Favor... for paperclip works nicely as I can just do it to throw it away without having to install until I needed it

Main aim is to hit centrals and not worry too much about the remotes as much as you can. The boomerangs are a get out of jail free card, especially since one game twinned with inside job, I lost all my breakers one game (lost 4 in one turn to City works one game and still won YAY).

I tried to add blackfile but costs too much and I also cant fit in Clot... shame